OK, I was gonna stay out of it, but I can't now. Calling George Bush a liar is a statement which has to be backed up with facts. Point out the 'lies' that make him a liar. In specifics, not generalities. Making such a bold-faced generalization without specific proof is one thing which is guaranteed to irritate me. (I know you are quaking in your boots there
) To call someone a 'liar' puts forth the impression that he does not tell the truth a majority of the time. By definition (liar: one who tells lies), actually one lie makes a person a liar, but I do not believe any person alive or dead could pass that standard. So by what standard are you terming him a liar? What percentage of his statments have to be false to put him into that category? Then statistically prove that he has made that number of false statements please!
If we want to talk about lying, the most recent example I can think of are both democrats. President Clinton lied about Monica Lewinsky (I know, its his personal business, but it DID happen in the oval office, so therefore becomes a public issue). Vice President Gore lied several times during his time in office, the funniest one being about having 'invented the internet.' Being a techie, and being around during those times, I found it real funny to find that little bit of information out, that no one else had known before!
Yes, I do believe that all presidents, alive and dead, have told a number of lies during their tenure as President, with a lot of them being security related. If we knew the truth about a lot of issues, we would find it hard to function normally as a cogent society with that knowledge.
If you are referring to the WMD issue, I still believe that we will eventually find there were some WMD's stockpiled by Iraq. If not within their country, then readily available from one of their neighbors. Why else would Saddam kick out all of the inspectors and rebel against the United Nations?
Anyway, I must admit I agree with Bush about 80-90% of the time, and as he is my neighbor here in Texas, I do feel obligated to defend him. I have met him, and feel that he is a 'real' person, who is concerned about this country, and has the moral stomach to stand up for what he believes in, unlike the current candidate for the Democratic nomination.
OK, let the flames begin! *Dons his plate armor of fire resistance*