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Any discussion about WoD that doesn't fit into another category

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Postby Joram Lionheart on Sun Mar 21, 2004 9:02 pm

Homer wrote:The amazing thing to me is that, even after your great loss, you don't seem to think you made any mistakes, but rather are looking for a culprit to hold responsible. If someone did this to you on purpose, they should be punished, but, for crying out loud, learn something from your own errors in judgement here.

Indeed, there may not even be a guilty party here. Leaving her character unattended wasn't the wisest move, but that's easier said in hindsight and when you've had previous bad experiences to teach you a good lesson about unattended macroing :). I think Celeste did not even imagined something like this could have happened by accident and that's the reason she accused the Admins of foul play. If that was the only possible explanation for what happened then she would be justified in making that assumption. A little too quick too assume things, perhaps, but we all do that when we're upset.
You live and you learn, what else can you do? :)
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Postby Bassett on Sun Mar 21, 2004 9:24 pm

I forgot to say goodbye, so here goes:
Goodbye, it was nice talking to you all those 4-5minutes. Hope you'll find a shard which matches your needs better than WoD does.
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Postby Bayn on Sun Mar 21, 2004 10:51 pm

Celeste Kendreyl wrote:Bottom line here is this: If anyone took my posts as whining, you took them the wrong way, as I don't think I was whining, but rather expressing

Sounded like whining to me, but then, my opinion like everyone elses doesn't matter. ;)

Glad it got cleared up when you were able to talk to people "who matter".

Have fun!
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Postby Ehran on Mon Mar 22, 2004 12:15 am

so what was the cause of the kerfuffle in the end?
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Postby Macitor on Mon Mar 22, 2004 1:53 am

[quote="Celeste Kendreyl"]here is the list:
a tempered bow of archery, durable leather gloves of archery, rugged long pants of healing, rugged leather shorts of tactics, tempered sleeves of tactics, indy scimitar of swords, rugged silver cutlass of quality, my BRAND NEW rugged heater of parrying, an obsidian steed named Princess, 4 pieces of jewelry- (all dex, all +5), bag of regs, key to my house, (which now I have no others for...), druid bag or runes, bag of druid regs, druid staff, at least 3 kegs of gr-heals, 1-2 kegs of gr-explosions, 1 keg gr-agility, 1 keg gr-strength, approx 25-35K in gold, an INDY fancy shirt of animal lore... not sure if that's all of it, but it should give you a pretty good idea of just how "easy" it would be for me ...quote]

Celeste, You posted On March 4th that you had applied. In the less-than-three-weeks (closer to two weeks) you have been here, you have accumulated a very decent inventory, which includes mind you, a house.

I would have to inquire on how much you play?

I guess what I am saying is, although this is not your main point, do not use it as part of a reason for leaving. You aquired this stuff in less than three weeks. It obviously will not take you long to replace it.

As you have stated... it is has been cleared up, right? If losing your stuff is something that you find intolerable, then I find it hard to beleive that you ran your own shard (or server, that part is not clear yet...). I would be curious about your rules and game play guidelines ... well pretty much every aspect of your shard or server... ??
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Postby Diedra on Mon Mar 22, 2004 3:05 am

Macitor wrote:Celeste, You posted On March 4th that you had applied. In the less-than-three-weeks (closer to two weeks) you have been here, you have accumulated a very decent inventory, which includes mind you, a house.

I would have to inquire on how much you play?

I guess what I am saying is, although this is not your main point, do not use it as part of a reason for leaving. You aquired this stuff in less than three weeks. It obviously will not take you long to replace it.

Does it matter how much she has played? If you must know, I gave her at least 180k, a house, and gave her quiet a few items to get started with. She's a good friend of mine and I'm the one who told her about the shard. Now does playing time really mean anything?

Amileth wrote:Skills here in WoD can only be trained up by paying an NPC vendor.. Which means the constant use of the skill does nothing to increase it, unless it's a direct combat related skill(IE macefighting, tactics, parry, so forth.)

Items can -always- be replaced. There is only one WoD, however.

Actually I just checked out the manual and it says that the skills you've spec'd will go up slowly on their own, but they are random and uncontrolable.

I'm going out on a limb to say that once you select the skill you want to train, the vendor then states something to the effect of using the skill will decrease the time needed for practicing. So if that was the case then Celeste was doing what she thought she was, decreasing the time spent on practicing the skill. As it has been mentioned macroing is allowed but looked down upon.

Now, about the Orge lord and Gazer, I do know where Celeste lives. I have seen Orge lords to the northwest, well much to the north and west. I have seen a few ettins to the northeast of her house. The Gazer has been explained before. Now maybe her henchmen opened the door and it killed her, who knows. So its possible that a spawn could have killed her.

Its coming to a point where I dread coming onto the board. It seems like every other day there are people arguing about something or another. Its getting tiresome. If you can't say something nice then don't say anything at all.
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Postby Amileth on Mon Mar 22, 2004 3:23 am

Diedra/Michael Atticus wrote:Its coming to a point where I dread coming onto the board. It seems like every other day there are people arguing about something or another. Its getting tiresome. If you can't say something nice then don't say anything at all.

Then don't come on the boards, no one is forcing you.

I -was- being nice, but I'll ignore your post since you're just 'defending a friend from people trying to be nice to a very rude and whiny person.'

I was gonna leave this one alone, as I was -really- put off by Celeste's attitude after being offered tips and help, as well as sorrow for her leaving.

Sorry to be blunt and rude, but I retract my words, and wont be sorry to see you go.
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Postby Joram Lionheart on Mon Mar 22, 2004 4:18 am

Macitor wrote:I guess what I am saying is, although this is not your main point, do not use it as part of a reason for leaving. You aquired this stuff in less than three weeks. It obviously will not take you long to replace it.

Diedra/Michael Atticus wrote:Does it matter how much she has played? Now does playing time really mean anything?

I believe Macitor's point was that in just three weeks she managed to get all of that. Stuff--gold, items, houses--all those things are not impossible to recover, and it might take her less than three weeks this time.
All the same, it's a lot of work down the drain and it's frustrating. Heck, if you ever played a miner on OSI you'd probably know that feeling all too well (:roll:). But WoD is more than just stuff; it's friendships and community enjoyment. If you let a few lost items make you quit, you're going to regret it.

I'm going out on a limb to say that once you select the skill you want to train, the vendor then states something to the effect of using the skill will decrease the time needed for practicing.

Really? Never seen that msg before. I usually get the usual "now practice so-n-so during your spare time . . ." I don't think macroing decreases skill training time at all (I could be wrong). I could see how she could have thought she actually needed to literally "practice" the skill during her "spare time," though.

So its possible that a spawn could have killed her.

Far more possible than a GM PKing her just for kicks I'd say :)

Its coming to a point where I dread coming onto the board. It seems like every other day there are people arguing about something or another.

Hey . . . they're not called discussion boards for nothing :). I think too many times people think a flame-war is in progress when in reality posters are just expressing their opinions. Then someone comes and makes a reactionary post against the supposed flamers and THEN the thread really turns into a flame-war. Funny how that works. I'd be willing to bet that 90% or more of the (few) flame-wars on these boards start off as relatively innocent threads, until a poster or two turn the whole thing upside down.

Its getting tiresome. If you can't say something nice then don't say anything at all.

Umm, something needs to be said about the gap between what people read into a post and what the poster actually meant. Take Celeste's original post for instance. Some people thought she was just whinning. Some thought she was attacking the Admins. Some thought she was just saying goodbye and thank you for the good times. All opinions contain some truth for sure, because there are different ways to look at someone's words and different ways to respond to them.

What you may consider "something not nice" may be something perfectly alright for someone else. You can't prevent people from voicing out their opinions and concerns, and I don't think we should try to. If you find yourself being dragged down by the (supposedly) negative posts on these boards chances are you've been reading way too many threads lately :) I find it amazing how after taking a few day's break from checking the boards, I can come back to some old thread I found (at the time) "upsetting" and get a good laugh out of reading it again.

This advice is incredibly effective for those things in-game you find upsetting too. Don't like the fact bone mages paralyze you everytime you fight one [hehe], stop going to deceit then! :P
*hates bone magicians*
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The molehills are alive .. with the sound of music

Postby Marius the Black on Mon Mar 22, 2004 10:43 am

I may be labelled a small and petty and EVIL man (well, the latter isn't so bad), but I'm still hoping that the questions I posed will be answered, if not by Celeste, then perhaps someone else who knows her. Considering this issue is sort of growing out of proportion, I'd like to move away from the personal attacks and get to the heart of the issue: What really happened to Celeste's Character?

Let's focus on the issue at hand, unless it's already been resolved? Then, there's really nothing to argue about, I'd say.


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Postby Bayn on Mon Mar 22, 2004 12:28 pm

Diedra/Michael Atticus wrote:Does it matter how much she has played? If you must know, I gave her at least 180k, a house, and gave her quiet a few items to get started with. She's a good friend of mine and I'm the one who told her about the shard. Now does playing time really mean anything?

Not when a new player is completely outfitted, no playing time doesn't matter.

There is nothing inherently wrong with that, of course, but I feel that a player regards their "stuff" with more care and value if they actually earn it. It is kind of liking raising children. If you spoil children and don't instill a work ethic and sense of responsibility, then they grow up thinking they 'deserve' everything and life is "unfair" when they don't get everything or if something "bad" happens to them.

At least that is what I have observed. My own three children got everything I could give them but I also made sure they did their chores and realized they would have to make their own way in life and accept responsbility for their own actions.

I have seen Orge lords to the northwest, well much to the north and west. I have seen a few ettins to the northeast of her house. The Gazer has been explained before. Now maybe her henchmen opened the door and it killed her, who knows. So its possible that a spawn could have killed her.

So, she was inside her house when she was killed? Do we know this for a fact? That is important.

That would definitely indicate that it was spawn that killed her. I highly doubt any GM would spawn a monster inside someones house.

The only facts we know is that she was macroing Lore unattended for several hours with her pet bear and she claims she lost a long list of items.

Yah, the northwest is rife with ogres, ettins, gazers, gargoyles, OL's, Titans and their ilk. They wander around a lot as well.
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Postby Joram Lionheart on Mon Mar 22, 2004 3:13 pm

One more question, if she was inside her house when she died, how did her items manage to go *poof*? I was under the impression that unlocked down items inside non-static houses do not decay until a GM does a shard-wide sweep. I personally don't own a non-static house but I have seen items left on the FH's floor remain in the same spot for weeks.
I really don't see how her gear could have decayed if she died inside her house unless automatic item decay has been implemented for non-static housing in the past month or so.

Ps. I'm assuming she owns a non-static since her house seems to be all the way "out there" in the woods. Unless of course she owns one of those (static) log cabins in Yew but I'm sure that's not the case because it would be downright preposterous to claim Ogre Lords and Gazers don't spawn near Yew. Yew woods spawn is extremely dangerous. Actually, Yew's near absence of town guards makes it a terrible place to live in any event.
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Postby Bloodoak on Mon Mar 22, 2004 3:26 pm

Heres one hit that I learned: DONT GO AFK WHEN NOT IN TOWN. Even in town your taking your chances but there are always people around to help get your stuff back
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Postby simon on Mon Mar 22, 2004 3:40 pm

erm, I've seen her name in the online list, so i guess she came back.
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Postby Herakles on Mon Mar 22, 2004 10:29 pm

I'm still curious as to why she was macroing animal lore outside her house instead of inside........

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Postby Bayn on Mon Mar 22, 2004 10:34 pm

Herakles wrote:I'm still curious as to why she was macroing animal lore outside her house instead of inside........

If that is what she did. Some people seem to think she was inside. I guess only she knows for sure.

Regardless, she is very new here, doesn't know the ropes yet. We all make "dumbass" mistakes when we first start off. ;)

I know I sure did. First time I walked up to a Titan and asked how the wife and kids were....hoo boy. Titans are REALLY touchy about their families.
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