Macitor wrote:I guess what I am saying is, although this is not your main point, do not use it as part of a reason for leaving. You aquired this stuff in less than three weeks. It obviously will not take you long to replace it.
Diedra/Michael Atticus wrote:Does it matter how much she has played? Now does playing time really mean anything?
I believe Macitor's point was that in just three weeks she managed to get all of that. Stuff--gold, items, houses--all those things are not impossible to recover, and it might take her less than three weeks this time.
All the same, it's a lot of work down the drain and it's frustrating. Heck, if you ever played a miner on OSI you'd probably know that feeling all too well (:roll:). But WoD is more than just stuff; it's friendships and community enjoyment. If you let a few lost items make you quit, you're going to regret it.
I'm going out on a limb to say that once you select the skill you want to train, the vendor then states something to the effect of using the skill will decrease the time needed for practicing.
Really? Never seen that msg before. I usually get the usual "now practice so-n-so during your spare time . . ." I don't think macroing decreases skill training time at all (I could be wrong). I could see how she could have thought she actually needed to literally "practice" the skill during her "spare time," though.
So its possible that a spawn could have killed her.
Far more possible than a GM PKing her just for kicks I'd say

Its coming to a point where I dread coming onto the board. It seems like every other day there are people arguing about something or another.
Hey . . . they're not called
discussion boards for nothing

. I think too many times people think a flame-war is in progress when in reality posters are just expressing their opinions. Then someone comes and makes a
reactionary post against the supposed flamers and THEN the thread really turns into a flame-war. Funny how that works. I'd be willing to bet that 90% or more of the (few) flame-wars on these boards start off as relatively innocent threads, until a poster or two turn the whole thing upside down.
Its getting tiresome. If you can't say something nice then don't say anything at all.
Umm, something needs to be said about the gap between what people read into a post and what the poster actually meant. Take Celeste's original post for instance. Some people thought she was just whinning. Some thought she was attacking the Admins. Some thought she was just saying goodbye and thank you for the good times. All opinions contain some truth for sure, because there are different ways to look at someone's words and different ways to respond to them.
What you may consider "something not nice" may be something perfectly alright for someone else. You can't prevent people from voicing out their opinions and concerns, and I don't think we should try to. If you find yourself being dragged down by the (supposedly) negative posts on these boards chances are you've been reading way too many threads lately

I find it amazing how after taking a few day's break from checking the boards, I can come back to some old thread I found (at the time) "upsetting" and get a good laugh out of reading it again.
This advice is incredibly effective for those things in-game you find upsetting too. Don't like the fact bone mages paralyze you everytime you fight one [hehe], stop going to deceit then!
*hates bone magicians*