This game is a game, and the 'live' people behind it make it what it is, the admin, and the players. so lets just PLAY! Remember folks IMAGINATION!
This Game cant be too real, its a game. I have been here about a year, and only played 404 hours. I love GAMES. I used to play Ad&d as a teen. We had tonnes of fun. I played numerous characters(40+ i think...), in fact I still have the sheets laying around here somewhere. I can Remember everyone of them in detail when i see the sheets and names. They are all in detail in my mind, their story etc. It was a blast! All of my friends and I tried Our hands at Gm'ing. We loved the game. But as time went on, we lost our fun, child like innocence for the game.
We bickered over little details, we bickered over which chips to eat at the table... lol. We all decided to take a break. It was time, we had worked the game until we got tired of it, and all of us were quite saddened by this. We took a couple month hiatus and decided to play again. All of us were refreshed and had new ideas etc. But we decided instead of playing 3-4 times a week, we would play once a week. To make a long story short we found Moderation to be the key. If we played too much we started hating it, if we didnt play at all. We missed it. ROFLMAO maybe I will finish this post soon, sorry guys I dont say much too much so this hurts... I try not to play Too much. I love this game, its great! The Fun and excitement of running with some online allies against the unstoppable evils of imagination! The pride in creating some truly strong friendships afar! The deflation of failure, and redemption of success. But if you play too much these feelings dull, and are taking for granted, too much dopamine release I guess... brain becomes resisstant... who knows. Everyone here Is Awesome, this is the best shard I have found with willing participants wanting to enjoy 'The Game'.
If some of the inhabitants dont, let them be. To me World Of Dreams is what WE make of it. Lets make it Fun!

P.S. If a post makes you mad, wait a day, then post. You wont be mad anymore and will think clearer. that is not directed at anyone, I am and can only speak from my own experiences and thoughts. And that way I dont offend anyone, or make it hard to be neutral.
we should come to play as children often do, not expecting fun, but creating it from our minds.