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Postby Rroucu on Mon Jun 14, 2004 3:09 am

Has the game got boring for you guys? I see more people posting here than playing the game. If its that frustrating for all of you take a break! lets have some fun. Go take on some Trolls, David and Goliath style. Cmon folks lighten up here have fun.
This game is a game, and the 'live' people behind it make it what it is, the admin, and the players. so lets just PLAY! Remember folks IMAGINATION!
This Game cant be too real, its a game. I have been here about a year, and only played 404 hours. I love GAMES. I used to play Ad&d as a teen. We had tonnes of fun. I played numerous characters(40+ i think...), in fact I still have the sheets laying around here somewhere. I can Remember everyone of them in detail when i see the sheets and names. They are all in detail in my mind, their story etc. It was a blast! All of my friends and I tried Our hands at Gm'ing. We loved the game. But as time went on, we lost our fun, child like innocence for the game.
We bickered over little details, we bickered over which chips to eat at the table... lol. We all decided to take a break. It was time, we had worked the game until we got tired of it, and all of us were quite saddened by this. We took a couple month hiatus and decided to play again. All of us were refreshed and had new ideas etc. But we decided instead of playing 3-4 times a week, we would play once a week. To make a long story short we found Moderation to be the key. If we played too much we started hating it, if we didnt play at all. We missed it. ROFLMAO maybe I will finish this post soon, sorry guys I dont say much too much so this hurts... I try not to play Too much. I love this game, its great! The Fun and excitement of running with some online allies against the unstoppable evils of imagination! The pride in creating some truly strong friendships afar! The deflation of failure, and redemption of success. But if you play too much these feelings dull, and are taking for granted, too much dopamine release I guess... brain becomes resisstant... who knows. Everyone here Is Awesome, this is the best shard I have found with willing participants wanting to enjoy 'The Game'.
If some of the inhabitants dont, let them be. To me World Of Dreams is what WE make of it. Lets make it Fun!
P.S. If a post makes you mad, wait a day, then post. You wont be mad anymore and will think clearer. that is not directed at anyone, I am and can only speak from my own experiences and thoughts. And that way I dont offend anyone, or make it hard to be neutral.
we should come to play as children often do, not expecting fun, but creating it from our minds.
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Postby Laephis on Mon Jun 14, 2004 3:27 am

Chelsea Duklain wrote:
And personally, I find that any administration that speaks to it's players as rudely as Laephis does isn't the place that I want to be anyway. It's rude and downright unprofessional.

Let's recap what I said, word for word:

Laephis wrote:The rules are plainly stated. He is allowed to macro, no one said it was forbidden. But he identified himself as a chronic public macroer and those people will find themselves running into problems. Is that really so hard to understand? He cried like a spoiled baby when he was inconvenienced and his "playstyle" of AFK macroing was disturbed. If he doesn't like it, he's free to try other shards.

I challenge anyone to show me how the above statement is "rude." It's fair, accurate, and expicitly to the point. Should I have not called him out on being "spoiled" and "inconvenienced"? On the fourth page of this BS, should I just overlook the facts of the situation? I'm sorry, but I find that very insulting coming from someone who claims to "speak bluntly and to the point." If you want all sweet-smelling roses and coddling, you aren't going to get that from me.
When something stinks I'm not going to pretend it doesn't. This ridiculous thread should never even have exsisted.
I used to love this shard. I used to be totally excited about being here but you people have made me dread reading the boards and dread signing on.

Yet you find time to visit the boards and take cheap shots at me. Thanks, the encouragement overwhelms me.

I don't want ass-kissing agreement, and I'm far from perfect, but unprofessional does not describe me, my comments, or any other admin here. I've been on enough shards to know what unprofessional is, and to say that any of us are guilty of that is a slap in our face.
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Postby loakie666 on Mon Jun 14, 2004 4:06 am

I agree this post should stop. All it does is cause problems that are not needed. Let the person take the chance of public maroing and if he falls victim to it then it is his fault that is if it is an accident. I wouldn't go personaly killing him. Admin, i think you do a pretty good job. No worries that isn't any ass kissing from me. I mean Can't we all get along. This is a great shard. it has changed a lil bit but not to much in the way of helping newbies. Hell i gave one like 2or 300k not long ago. Let us oldbies show them the path of this great shard. Granted i am not an oldbie poster but i have been around. Let's just drop this and let the Admin and player's that it happens to figure the path of correction if needed. We all know it stated as rude and so on. That's that. Let's just play. From your local babbler, Loakie Mun :warrior: [/quote]
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Postby John Duklain on Mon Jun 14, 2004 4:42 am

It's unprofessional anytime anyone in any type of position of authority speaks condescendingly(sp) or insultive or slanderous to anyone in which they have authority over.

Laephis wrote:
Laephis wrote:

The rules are plainly stated. He is allowed to macro, no one said it was forbidden. But he identified himself as a chronic public macroer and those people will find themselves running into problems. Is that really so hard to understand? He cried like a spoiled baby when he was inconvenienced and his "playstyle" of AFK macroing was disturbed. If he doesn't like it, he's free to try other shards.

I challenge anyone to show me how the above statement is "rude." It's fair, accurate, and expicitly to the point. Should I have not called him out on being "spoiled" and "inconvenienced"? On the fourth page of this BS, should I just overlook the facts of the situation? I'm sorry, but I find that very insulting coming from someone who claims to "speak bluntly and to the point." If you want all sweet-smelling roses and coddling, you aren't going to get that from me.
When something stinks I'm not going to pretend it doesn't. This ridiculous thread should never even have exsisted.

Unprofessional. And, in my own opinion, anytime anyone must resort to slander or insult to prove their point, or while trying to do so, it reflects directly on the strength of that point.

There is no definition for "Public" or "Private" areas in the rules.

Something of curiosity to me. If only your house is private, then does that make your boat public, or is it also private? And if it is private can you macro fishing since you're in a private place?

Being disconnected for macroing is a punishment, which means macroing is forbidden, but the rules state that it is not encouraged. There is a huge difference there. Which could be one reason this thread has gone on so long.

I, personally, think disconnecting people for doing something that is not forbidden and only discouraged is malicious and petty, but that's just me.
John Duklain
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Postby Herakles on Mon Jun 14, 2004 5:58 am

I say lets all take a page out of Loakies book. Ya know what that means?!?!?!? DROP IT!!!!!!!!!!!
This has gone on too long. I think the admin has been doing and always have been doing an awesome job. Hehe.....and this isnt a job. Its fun, dont ya all get it yet? FUN FUN FUN!!!!! Sheesh guys and gals, this is only a game. Treat it like one.
I also think Laephis is not wrong in anything he has said or done. LOL if it were me, I may have banned myself for the things I may have said. C'mon.....5 pages because someone macroed while away from the keyboard? And everything that has happened because of that? Give it a rest already. No harm was done. Except for the badgering that the admins are taking now. *sigh* Can you imagine if they were getting paid for this? LOL
Just had to throw my 2 cents worth in.

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Postby Joram Lionheart on Mon Jun 14, 2004 6:55 am

PKing is good . . .

Harrasment is good . . .

Profanity is good . . .

Macroing is good . . .

If this was a thread about how PKing should be allowed and people kept telling me PKing isn't really against the rules or it isn't very clear that it is, how would YOU react? I'm sorry but when something is wrong, it is wrong today, it was wrong yesterday, and it will continue to be wrong until the day I die (unless of course you can prove to me otherwise).

With that said, may this thread rest in peace.
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Postby Marius the Black on Mon Jun 14, 2004 2:27 pm

So this is why Chelsea left. Go figure.

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Postby Herakles on Mon Jun 14, 2004 2:59 pm

Marius the Black wrote:So this is why Chelsea left. Go figure.


Hmmmmmmm I hear OSI is always looking for good players.
I just dont understand it. Well, like they say, The grass is greener.......

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Postby Xanola Remings on Mon Jun 14, 2004 5:21 pm

Ahem... my 2 cents. True, macroing is not against the rules... but I challenge you to find in the rules where it states that kicking a player offline is, either.
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Postby Herakles on Mon Jun 14, 2004 5:31 pm

Joram Lionheart wrote:
With that said, may this thread rest in peace.

*knock knock* Hellooooooo, McFly........
Is anyone home???
Lets end this already. What good is all this bitching going to do? Perhaps the admin will get fed up enough and not deal with this BS anymore and call it quits for the shard. I wouldnt blame them either.

Laephis, Drocket....perhaps the banning of afk macroing should be written in the rules. That would put a stop to all this silliness. Maybe it can be written that if the player does not respond in an alloted amount of time, then they get booted.
Sometimes I think people complain just to complain.

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Postby Joram Lionheart on Mon Jun 14, 2004 7:20 pm

Herakles wrote:Sometimes I think people complain just to complain.

Sometimes people just don't like it when they're pointed out wrong. It's not about being right or wrong, folks. Like Chelsea said, it is about the facts, plain and simple. If you have something to say that you may think it is not fully supported by the facts, then you can be sure someone's going to notice and point it out. You should expect it. These are called discussion forums for a reason.

Oh, and by God people, don't be so hypocritical as to say "It's just a game, let's don't argue" AFTER you just said everything you wanted to say. What a convenient way to silence the opposition. This is not High School, folks, and we're not teenagers. If you cannot agree to disagree with someone without resorting to melodramatic scenes, pointing fingers in the air, or needlessly flaming the other person, then you have no business posting on these (or any other) msg boards.

Oh and one more thing, if you think I'm wrong, for pete's sakes SAY SO. I'm by NO MEANS the last and only word on any subject. Feel yourself invited to analyze, break down, and dissect my posts word by word. It is not a sign of disrespect or arrogance. It is a sign that you took the time to carefully read my words, think them through, and prepare a proper response to them. I would expect no less from someone who has any respect for me. And so long as you limit yourself to using logic and judicious reasoning to present your argument, there is no reason why we cannot have an intelligent, adult conversation.
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Postby Ehran on Tue Jun 15, 2004 5:06 am


number 9 is afk macroing.

seems awfully clear to me assuming a person actually read the rules that is.
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Postby Herakles on Tue Jun 15, 2004 6:33 pm

Marius the Black wrote:So this is why Chelsea left. Go figure.


*sigh* Now Anna Bassett.......

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Postby martijn on Sun Jul 18, 2004 9:04 am

is it not more the question that some ppl get or are bored on this server and then take offense in macro'ers?
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Postby Bassett on Sun Jul 18, 2004 3:24 pm

Last edited by Bassett on Sun Jul 18, 2004 7:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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