Hail all Order Virtue Guards,

In-character discussion

Moderators: Siobhan, Sebastian, Drocket

Postby Alexander on Fri Mar 21, 2003 2:07 pm

Garrett you do have some good points, but there are other ways that I could have gotten this information. Also keep in mind that this person could be a kid. My disagreement was in your approach. You also decided to insult his/her spelling I can't speak for him/her but I'm dyslexic and I have a hard time spelling and reading. This make reading and writing extra hard when doing it at the same time.
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Postby Seon MacRae on Fri Mar 21, 2003 4:59 pm

Pardon me if my input is unwelcome, but it would seem to me, that since this was a post from one virtue guard regarding the actions of another virtue guard (regardless of who was right or wrong), I would have thought this would be more appropriate being addressed in a more private forum (no pun intended). Is there a "chain of command", so to speak, for virtue guards? It seems to me that censure of a virtue guard is done from within the ranks of the guard.

If no resolution is achieved there, then a public post might be necessary.

Just something from the perspective of one who would like to join the ranks of the virtue guards some day.
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Postby Lyl on Fri Mar 21, 2003 5:42 pm

Magus wrote:When we were in the bank on Tuesday night we had a new person asking for gold. I didn't give it to him, so I suppose you can put me in the Garrett camp.

Why? Were you being abusive as well?

Felix Majen wrote: There is no place here for beggars, you can live out your online life without money or food.

I'll have to go read the rules again, I didn't know begging was outlawed.

As the only pain and suffering here is in the mind of the player, there is no feeling of sympathy for or any need to alleviate the "distress" of this person.

Yeah, I agree with that. I'd also say that the trauma of meeting some beggar is also imagined. Your actions however seem intended to attack and cause pain for this beggar, and that is not compassionate.

There is no sympathy for someone that sits in the bank harassing others and causing a public nuisance of themselves.

Says the person making unwanted out of character attacks.

If you weren't there, why are you chiming in with your 2 cents? It is my actions that are being discussed here, not my posts.

I'm free to use these boards the same as you. I am posting about your posts because I don't like your attitude.

Bad form for a VG is nothing more than a weak way of saying you don't agree with my actions.

I don't. Bad form is losing your cool and forgetting the oath you took to join the guards.

If I was in the Order Guard, I would consider expressing my disapproval by censuring Garrett.

If you were in the Order Guards you could speak your opinion of me, but as you aren't, kindly keep your opinions on how an Order Guard should act to yourself.

Trying to silence me? How impressive. :roll:

If you wish to enact change within the Order Guards, strive to join and change from within instead of making comments from an outsiders viewpoint. You are not an Order Guard, do not presume to tell the Order Guards how to handle their own business.

I'm a Chaos Guard and wouldn't want to be an Order Guard now that you've tainted the name. I'm free to say my opinion whether I'm Order or not. I did not tell the other Order Guards to censure you, I'm sure they can do that on their own if they want to. Telling me to shut up just weakens your arguments I think.

You don't have anything to do with it, so please refrain from adding your useless comments.

We are still both members of WoD the community so it really does affect me. If I can discourage abusive players I wont consider my posts to be useless.
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Postby Magus on Fri Mar 21, 2003 5:59 pm

Lyl wrote: Why? Were you being abusive as well?

Nope. But you are claiming that Garrett was abusive by saying "as well" when you don't know that he was.

Beggars suck. Seriously, they really suck. We're an assumed Out Of Character shard, so someone roleplaying a beggar is still begging, and they are gonna get snapped at by a lot of people.

Garrett isn't playing along with the "How should an Order Guard handle a situation?" game because he wasn't in character when he snapped at this person. He snapped at him because Beggars Suck.

We're defending Beggars now? Give me a break.
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Postby Alexander on Sat Mar 22, 2003 12:06 am

Magus I don't think you have to be rude to someone to get your point across, do you?
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Postby Longshadow on Sat Mar 22, 2003 12:36 am

I hate beggars too. I woulda Ebolted him.

Go Felix!

Release the hounds!
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Postby Randell on Sat Mar 22, 2003 1:23 am

I've been following this thread with a bee in my robe (hehe).
And finally Seon made a senesable post. This whole thing, if it's so important, could have been handled in game (ecspecially since that's where it happened).
Maybe a post stating that I (so and so) would like to speak with all virtue guards of something important. And then stated a day and a time of meeting.
This way it keeps others from sticking there 2 cents worth in on a subject that doesn't concern them (from the games point of view) and it saves what is other wise wasted space on the forums server.

As to my personal opinion. As this shard is generally accepted as a non rp shard the whole idea of rp'ing a begger is ridiculas. Secondly I also view begging as a form of harrasement (provided the begger had been requested to stop the act).

Lastly. I'm not even going to attempt to point and say that so and so was wrong (on either side) as I was not there to witness the alleged event. And anyone doing so is completely wrong for doing so.
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Postby Atei on Sat Mar 22, 2003 1:26 am

Longshadow wrote:I hate beggars too. I woulda Ebolted him.

Go Felix!

Release the hounds!

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Postby Alexander on Sat Mar 22, 2003 2:01 am

Well I'm finished. I've come to the conclusion that some of the people get upset Way to easy. Too many conclusions are jumped to with relatively little evidence to support it. Maybe if in the future people take the time and try to be a little understanding, WoD might go from a great place to an OMG place. Hope to see you in game. :D
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On Order Guards

Postby Joram Lionheart on Sat Mar 22, 2003 4:49 am

Seon MacRae wrote:...I would have thought this would be more appropriate being addressed in a more private forum (no pun intended). Is there a "chain of command", so to speak, for virtue guards? It seems to me that censure of a virtue guard is done from within the ranks of the guard.
If no resolution is achieved there, then a public post might be necessary.
Just something from the perspective of one who would like to join the ranks of the virtue guards some day.

A mention on the Order guards leadership structure...
Although, roleplayingwise (and I use the term loosely) Order guards are supposed to have some sort of "chain of command" with older, higher standing knights to oversee the lower ranks, in practice this chain of command does not exist.

As much as it pains me to say, whatever structural cohesiveness our Order had in the past, it has detiorated over time to the point where there really isn't one such hierarchy anymore. Of course, older, more established knights tend to get more recognition from newer knights but this is merely the result of having played here longer, not because of some rule within the ranks that demands squires to pay respect to their "commanding" officers.

I realize this is a sad commentary on our Order, but the problem mainly stems from the fact that attempts to assemble the troops together for official meetings have proved quite unsuccesful in the past. I personally have tried to arrange such get-togethers but to no avail. The usual excuse leans towards the busy schedule issue. It is simply very hard to come up with a good time during the our busy weeks to manage to get a majority of Order guards, under the same roof, to talk and discuss issues like the one that has been brought up in this thread.

Without such discussion sessions, I'm afraid no consensus can ever be reached on what the proper conduct for an Order guard should be. It has just been too long since that first meeting when we first got together and outlined an unwritten "code of behavior" for our Order. Some of those directives might not even be applicable today.

On the other hand, to claim a Virtue guard's parameters of conduct are plain, "to uphold the virtues at all times" (and indeed we must), simply isn't clear enough. Such statements are (clearly) open to interpretation, and I believe we, as an orderly group, such determine what that interpretation should be.

In the light of recent events, what I would like to propose now is for our entire Order, old and new members alike, to arrange one of the aforementioned get-togethers so that we could discuss briefly conduct related issues like the one in this thread, which seems to have sparked some real controversy :P
It would also be a good opportunity for us old geezers to get to meet the knights of the future :). I certainly have been looking forward to meeting some new faces (I've been out of the loop for way too long...)

So anyone want to propose and time and a date? I rather not do it myself, I have terrible luck on that area.
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Postby Joram Lionheart on Sat Mar 22, 2003 5:01 am

Randell wrote:...And finally Seon made a senesable post. This whole thing, if it's so important, could have been handled in game (ecspecially since that's where it happened).
Maybe a post stating that I (so and so) would like to speak with all virtue guards of something important. And then stated a day and a time of meeting.

You know, Virtue guards used to have a WHOLE forum of their own to talk to (and/or flame :P) each other about things like this. If ever a Virtue guard had a problem with another guard, he could just leave him a message on the forums where he was sure to get the other guard's attention. Of course, this was all theorical, because in practice we rarely saw such discussion happen. Mostly it was quest related threads the ones being posted and that's partly the reason the forum was discontinued.

As it stands though, I don't think it would be an entirely good idea to revive the old Virtue guards forums. I just haven't seen enough interest shown on Virtue guard related forum discussions. Heck, if it had not been for this thread, I probably would've kept quiet about the whole thing for another couple of years or so :P
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Postby Joram Lionheart on Sat Mar 22, 2003 5:09 am

Longshadow wrote:I hate beggars too. I woulda Ebolted him.
Go Felix!
Release the hounds!

Too bad you switched over to that Chaotic bunch. We might've just made a rule in Sir Mego Stone's honor requiring all new recruits to kill beggars on sight :twisted:

Ps. Btw Chaos, I'm just teasing :D
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Postby Ehran on Sat Mar 22, 2003 11:54 pm

Alexander wrote:Magus I don't think you have to be rude to someone to get your point across, do you?

sadly all to often mere rudeness is inadequate to get the point across. :(
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Might not a mailing list be a good way to deal with this

Postby Ehran on Sat Mar 22, 2003 11:59 pm

I believe they are pretty simple to set up these days and it would guarantee that all the Order guards and those other guys were informed of what was going on. would make it a lot easier to establish the hierarchy etc that should be there.
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Postby Herakles on Sun Mar 23, 2003 7:06 pm

First of all, I want to apologize for it seeming like I was jumping to conclusions and not looking farther into this matter. My intentions were to talk to you and get your side of the story. I just didnt word it right in my post. I never knew who you wre but I do know of Felix and I have never had a problem with him. Although we have talked to a few times in passing.
I believe this matter should be put to rest for now. No matter who was right or wrong there is always more than one opinion. We should make a date for an Order Guard meeting like Joram has stated. Lets come up with a date for a meeting. Hopefully this matter will be resolved.
The only date so far that I wont be able to make a meeting would be March 29th.

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