Moderators: Siobhan, Sebastian, Drocket
Magus wrote:When we were in the bank on Tuesday night we had a new person asking for gold. I didn't give it to him, so I suppose you can put me in the Garrett camp.
Felix Majen wrote: There is no place here for beggars, you can live out your online life without money or food.
As the only pain and suffering here is in the mind of the player, there is no feeling of sympathy for or any need to alleviate the "distress" of this person.
There is no sympathy for someone that sits in the bank harassing others and causing a public nuisance of themselves.
If you weren't there, why are you chiming in with your 2 cents? It is my actions that are being discussed here, not my posts.
Bad form for a VG is nothing more than a weak way of saying you don't agree with my actions.
If I was in the Order Guard, I would consider expressing my disapproval by censuring Garrett.
If you were in the Order Guards you could speak your opinion of me, but as you aren't, kindly keep your opinions on how an Order Guard should act to yourself.
If you wish to enact change within the Order Guards, strive to join and change from within instead of making comments from an outsiders viewpoint. You are not an Order Guard, do not presume to tell the Order Guards how to handle their own business.
You don't have anything to do with it, so please refrain from adding your useless comments.
Lyl wrote: Why? Were you being abusive as well?
Seon MacRae wrote:...I would have thought this would be more appropriate being addressed in a more private forum (no pun intended). Is there a "chain of command", so to speak, for virtue guards? It seems to me that censure of a virtue guard is done from within the ranks of the guard.
If no resolution is achieved there, then a public post might be necessary.
Just something from the perspective of one who would like to join the ranks of the virtue guards some day.
Randell wrote:...And finally Seon made a senesable post. This whole thing, if it's so important, could have been handled in game (ecspecially since that's where it happened).
Maybe a post stating that I (so and so) would like to speak with all virtue guards of something important. And then stated a day and a time of meeting.
Longshadow wrote:I hate beggars too. I woulda Ebolted him.
Go Felix!
Release the hounds!
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