I thought I'd revive this old thread
Rather than nice flowing sentences, its going to appear more like a scrape book.
I started playing UO in Oct of '97 ( within 2 weeks of the public release ). Shortly thereafter I started reading the newsgroup to here rumors of the latest gimmicks and exploits in order to keep them from happening to me.
In Jan of '98 Dundee posted his first message. Shortly after he posted his third, I was out near the Vesper/Minoc moongate gathering feathers. I saw his name go by. I chased him down. I quess I forgot to mention that I didn't ussually hang out in that area, 'cause he later mentioned he had swung back by looking for me.
Later he was looking to have him and shade purchase a house and needed funds. It was then I first met Shade, who thought that I and Jaq(?) were crazy giving them large amounts of gold
Not long after they realized how rediculously ease gold making was.
Anyway I, and my friend Aria, helped them out with thier first guild and later a second one they set up(TNO, and SBR).
Eventually Dundee moved on to help create WOD. He gave me an invitation to the shards early days. I got frustrated at the logon process back then and gave up, and I was involved the Yew Rangers. After the Yew Rangers fell apart, I met my first involuntary death to a PK. Two years of avoiding such a fate, and this one hurt. Wanting to put the YR breakup and the PK incident behind me I wrote to Dundee asking if the invitation was still good and joined WOD in Dec of 99.
I soon drug Aria and some others that helped us build a castle along. Then later, I was talking to Jadesfyre and invited here. Many YR's followed, such as Big Ed, Pink Ranger. And later I convinced some members of the HaN guild to give it a try.
Now the slightly dark side. When jobbing came to be, it was so foriegn to my playstyle it felt like torture. The ironic thing is, I felt it was a necessary change, and couldn't think of a better alternative. So I faded into the darkness. Now after having been in DAoC I can tolerate it some now I see. Although truth be known, when Im jobbing I run little errands here at home.
My return was sparked by my interest in how the place had grown/evovled. I must say I quite pleased it is still a wonderful place.