If anyone would want to submit a picture to put on the front page, I certainly wouldn't mind. I can never seem to find a decent picture for the front page, which is why it goes unchanged for so long. If you have a good picture, please, send it to be (
drocket@drocket.net) and I'll see about putting it up (though, of course, I can't make any promises.)
My general list of things that I think make a good picture:
1) Try to keep the gump clutter off the screen. If you send in a picture of a bunch of spell icons, the .online list, your .status window, the journal, 5 open backpacks, and an open druid bag, we'll never be able to figure out what the picture is supposed to be.
2) Try to get some other people in the picture with you. I know you love your dragon, but it'll be more interesting if other people are actually in the picture too
3) Action pictures are good
4) I know it'll be hard, but try to get everyone to stop .grabbing for a second. A screen full of *yoink* *yoink* *yoink* *yoink* *yoink* *yoink* *yoink* isn't too interesting to look at. This also helps avoid the 'huge pile of naked bodies' problem.
I actually have a picture for this week, though