Moderators: Siobhan, Sebastian, Drocket
Chelsea Duklain wrote:
And personally, I find that any administration that speaks to it's players as rudely as Laephis does isn't the place that I want to be anyway. It's rude and downright unprofessional.
Laephis wrote:The rules are plainly stated. He is allowed to macro, no one said it was forbidden. But he identified himself as a chronic public macroer and those people will find themselves running into problems. Is that really so hard to understand? He cried like a spoiled baby when he was inconvenienced and his "playstyle" of AFK macroing was disturbed. If he doesn't like it, he's free to try other shards.
I used to love this shard. I used to be totally excited about being here but you people have made me dread reading the boards and dread signing on.
Laephis wrote:
The rules are plainly stated. He is allowed to macro, no one said it was forbidden. But he identified himself as a chronic public macroer and those people will find themselves running into problems. Is that really so hard to understand? He cried like a spoiled baby when he was inconvenienced and his "playstyle" of AFK macroing was disturbed. If he doesn't like it, he's free to try other shards.
I challenge anyone to show me how the above statement is "rude." It's fair, accurate, and expicitly to the point. Should I have not called him out on being "spoiled" and "inconvenienced"? On the fourth page of this BS, should I just overlook the facts of the situation? I'm sorry, but I find that very insulting coming from someone who claims to "speak bluntly and to the point." If you want all sweet-smelling roses and coddling, you aren't going to get that from me.
When something stinks I'm not going to pretend it doesn't. This ridiculous thread should never even have exsisted.
Joram Lionheart wrote:
With that said, may this thread rest in peace.
Herakles wrote:Sometimes I think people complain just to complain.
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