
From The World of Dreams Manual


Trained By: Alchemist, Apothecary, Mage, Scribe

Title: Mage

Basics of Magery

So you think the life of a mage is pretty exciting do you? It certainly can be at times. Most mages around here are also skilled in Alchemy or Inscription or both. When you aren't stuck sitting at your desk writing until you have hand cramps or standing on your feet for hours making this potion or that you are out fighting the creatures of the land.

Now let me start by saying if you wish to make use of meditation you better not be wearing pure metal armor. You can not effectively meditate in Ringmail, Chainmail or Platemail armor. This means you are limited to leather, bone and studded leather armor. This isn't really too bad considering some of your spells will make it harder for you to be hit.

Now just because you can magically raise your AR don't be thinking you can go toe to toe with the biggest baddies of the land because you can't. You'll find you simply don't have time to have combat skills like your average adventurer. If you want to go toe to toe with the baddies you might want to head over to the warrior school.

How do you beat the baddies then? Easy, use the right combination of spells. Now you may think that something as simple as a curse isn't going to help you. If you think this, you are wrong. Anything that you can do to make the creature easier to kill will save your life or the life of a warrior out there. Know your spells and know your enemy. Know what creatures are succeptable to what kind of attack. Summon backup if you have to. As your knowledge grows you will find you can call upon various creatures to help you in a fight.

If ever you are traveling in a group make sure you keep an eye on your friends, especially the warriors. They have this strange desire to stand up to what ever is in their way and pound on it. Keep them alive! If the warriors all fall you are sure to be next!


Circle One

Please note, all spell effects and durations calculated at 100 magery, meditation and invocation/necromancy/animal lore.

Spell Mana Skill Power Words Reagents Effect Duration
Clumsy 4 20 Uus Jux Bloodmoss, nightshade 10-16 points of dex loss 7 minutes
Create Food 4 20 In Mani Ylem Garlic, Ginsing, Mandrake Root creates random food NA
Feeblemind 4 20 Rel Wis Nightshade, Ginsing 10-16 points of int loss 7 minutes
Heal 4 20 In Mani Garlic, Ginsing, Sipider Silk. heals 18-20 HP. NA
Magic Arrow 4 20 In Por Ylem Blackperl, Nightshade 2-15 points of magic damage to target NA
Night Sight 4 20 In Lor Spider Silk, Sulphurous Ash Changes light levels to normal daytime levels 1 hour 40 minutes
Reactive Armor 4 20 Flam Sanct Garlic, Spider Silk, Sulferous Ash. 1 shot spell reflects damage of physical attack on attacket until hit
Weaken 4 20 Des Mani Garlic, Nightshade 10-16 points of Str loss 7 minutes