britan grave yard

In-character discussion

Moderators: Siobhan, Sebastian, Drocket

Postby Ehran on Sun May 09, 2004 12:43 am

possibly a guard quest monster that wandered into the area or chased someone in?
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Postby Marius the Black on Sun May 09, 2004 1:13 am

Perhaps the lesson is that we, as WoDians should take nothing for granted, not even the relative 'safety' of the GY. And certainly, while it is a very wonderful 'theory' that the Brit GY is for new players to 'train', the biggest place hit by quests is the Brit bank - and this includes monsters.

Assuming that we want players not to die where they socialise (for reference, I am talking about new players), perhaps we can not take this isolated incedent out of proportion and accept that for the majority of time, yes, the Brit GY is safe. But as of the moment, it is not. Perhaps it would be prudent to assist new players and guide them and *inform* them, rather than just chucking them in the proverbial Britian day-care center (the GY).

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Postby Bayn on Sun May 09, 2004 1:49 am

Trakas wrote:corona can attack from invis with magic ive seen it so anything is possible

I haven't seen the guy yet although I've read about him in the forums here.
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Postby Elwen Dragonfire on Sun May 09, 2004 6:10 am

yeah ive seen corona attack while invisable. And you make a great point marius. We arnt on this shard to whine and cry everytime something unusual happens. Unless something very very odd and unmistakably wrong happens (like say an ancient in the gy) but these things are all part of playing. And hey we have all died once or twice. Some more then others :P
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