by Bayn on Mon May 17, 2004 3:49 am
Hail and well met, fellow WoDians. I was rummaging through the stacks at Empath Abbey the other day and came across a thick, leather bound book of great antiquity. Within it were tales to amaze and astonish. The Brothers would not let me remove it for study but I managed to make a few notes about the History and Tradition of our world.
Ultima 1
The beginning of the First Age of Darkness was marked by the coming of an evil sorcerer named Mondain. The father of Mondain had refused to share the secret of immortality with his son, and their disputes ultimately led to the father's death. Torn with anguish and no doubt his fears of prosecution, Mondain turned his dark powers against the kingdoms of Sosaria.
In desperation, Lord British called forth a champion to rise to the defense of the realm. Travelling through the mysterious moongates, the hero who responded to his summons would many years later come to be known as the Avatar. It was through the actions of the Avatar that Mondain's foul Gem of Immortality was shattered and Mondain himself did come to a very sad end indeed.
Little did the Avatar know at the time, the Gem of Immortality was magically bound to Sosaria itself. By shattering the Gem, the Avatar indirectly caused Sosaria to split into a thousand different worlds, each a perfect likeness to the original, and each with their own peoples and destinies.
Ultima 2
The triumph of the Avatar was short-lived, for in slaying Mondain he brought the wrath of Minax down upon the land. Minax was the young apprentice and consort of Mondain, and a sorceress with magical powers even greater than her master's. She had the power to command legions of evil creatures, and in her quest for vengeance over the death of her lover, she brought much misery to the people of Sosaria.
Again the Hero who would come to be known as the Avatar answered Lord British's call and returned to Brittania in the first recorded use of the Moongates. The Avatar slew Minax's vile minions and did eventually slay her as well.
Although peace in Sosaria seemed apparent, Mondain and Minax had devised a treacherous scheme to assure their immortality throughout time. They had created an offspring known as Exodus, neither man nor machine, yet embodying every evil impulse they possessed. Rising on the Isle of Fire from the depths of the Great Ocean, Exodus unleashed a campaign of vengeance and destruction upon Sosaria.
So terrible were Exodus' forces that the Hero who would come to be known as the Avatar required the assistance of a mysterious being known as the Time Lord to thwart them. And thus it was that the Avatar dealt with Exodus in a similar manner as he had dealt with his creators, Mondain and Minax.
Ultima 3
After the smiting of Exodus, the people of Sosaria, who lived in terror during the onslaught of the Triad of Evil, did unite together as a measure of self-protection under the sovereign rule of Lord British. Thus was formed the kingdom of Britannia.
Led by the wise Lord British, the land did come to florish. The eight major townships rose upon the foundations of the old city-states. A renaissance of culture and civilization was highlighted by the formation of great institutions devoted to the study and advancement of the arts and sciences.
Ultima 4
With the passing of gloom and despair from the face of Britannia, the citizens flourished. It was during this time of growth and prosperity in the land that Lord British put out a call for one to show the way of spiritual growth and virtue. The call was answered by the champion that had thrice defended Soseria against the onslaught of evil in the times of need. Undertaking the task of unraveling the concepts of spirituality, the Hero discovered the great Codex of Ultimate Wisdom and attained the title of "Avatar," the human embodiment of virtue.
About the Avatar:
He came to us a stranger, but he exemplified all that was good and true. In time, he became more symbol than man. He became an avatar of virtue, showing us all the way.
The Avatar explored to the edges of the world and back again. Countless times he saved us from monstrous beasts, natural disasters, plagues, and other evils that discord often brings. Tales were told of his adventures and we were amazed. His reputation grew, and soon enough we considered him without peer—yet he also gathered unto him his Companions, who he humbly considered his equals.
The Avatar delved into celestial mysteries you and I could never fathom in this lifetime. When we had lost our way, only he could become the beacon to lead us home. But in that journey home, we did have loss. Our Avatar was gone, ascended. The greatest wizards next to him became as children next to some titanic celestial deity.
In time, we learned the many threats he vanquished were mere chapters in a larger tale. As the Avatar became our shining beacon of Virtue, a Guardian of Evil festered in the shadows.
Ultima 5
The newly discovered Codex was raised from the Great Stygian Abyss in order that the people might study its teachings. But, the acquisition of the Codex changed the physical, as well as the spiritual, landscape of Britannia. A fiery island, the Isle of the Avatar, rose from the depths of the Great Ocean, and in the violent birth of this isle, an immense underworld chamber opened. When this cataclysm had passed, a shrine was built on the Isle of the Avatar to house the Codex forever.
By acquiring the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom from the deep recesses of the underworld, the Avatar inadvertently created a karmic imbalance in the universe, resulting in the emergence of three dark Shadowlords from the shattered remnants of Mondain's Gem of Immortality. These sinister agents of darkness were the very antithesis of virtue. Their trickery and deceit allowed them to dethrone and capture Lord British, holding him prisoner in a foul underworld dungeon, and, in a perversation of justice, compelled the leaders of Britannia to oppress the people. The once noble Lord Blackthorne became the Shadowlords' human agent who fulfilled their evil intent.
This was the Britannia that greeted the return of the Avatar. Following his instincts and the admonitions of the Codex, the Avatar applied the principles of Truth, Love, and Courage against the Shadowlords and their corrupted lackey, Blackthorne. Because of the Avatar's efforts, Lord British was liberated from his prison and restored to his throne, thus allowing him to banish the Shadowlords and their agents from the realm of light with a magical black stone, the Orb of the Moons.
However, Lord British's escape from the underworld caused a tremendously destructive series of earthquakes as the vast network of subterranean caverns collapsed. This resulted in the death of a majority of a race of creatures that were soon to be encountered many times...
Ultima 6
Though long believed to be mythological creatures, the existance of Gargoyles was discovered shortly after the first expedition into the geologically unstable underworld. At first, they seemed content to remain in their subterranean domain, but in the years that followed, they found their homeland virtually destroyed by the previous series of earthquakes. They began to appear on the Britannian side of the world in increasing numbers as aggressors. They launched vicious attacks against the human race and many were they who lost their lives in the defense of the realm. One by one, the holy Shrines of Virtue began to fall into the hands of the Gargoyles, and thus so did the moonstones they contained.
The Gargoyles, enraged at the human race, carried out an assassination attempt on the Avatar. By setting a Moongate trap, they lured him into their clutches, but before he was sacrificed, his three faithful companions came to his aid. So it was that Lord British did once again call upon the Avatar to put an end to the violent racial conflict between the Gargoyles and the Britannians.
At last it was revealed that the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom, which had been removed from the underworld by the Avatar, was actually the property of the Gargoyles. Therefore, the Avatar placed the Codex in the Great Ethereal Void where it would be possessed by neither human nor gargoyle. Two lenses, used to view the Codex, were given to Lord British and the gargoyle ruler King Draxinusom. As the cause of the conflict between the two races had been removed, it was hoped that the rift between the two would eventually be closed.
Ultima 7
After successfully healing the conflict between the Human and Gargoyle races, the Avatar returned to his homeworld, the planet Earth. The people of Britannia enjoyed a life of peace for generation upon generation, continuing to flourish and prosper. Stories of the great Avatar's heroic deeds began to die out until they were eventually looked upon only as mere legends. However, two hundred Britannian years after the Tale of the False Prophet occured, the Avatar's life on Earth took a turn out of the ordinary once more...
After receiving an unusual message from a sinister being known as the Guardian, the Avatar, under mysterious circumstances, was called back to Britannia, only to be greeted by a land hardly like the one he once knew so well. Magic was merely a dying art, his legend was almost forgotten, and a new commanding religous force had been established: The Fellowship. Upon his arrival through a red moongate in the city of Trinsic, the Avatar was asked by the Mayor to investigate the ritualistic double-murder of the town blacksmith and his gargoyle apprentice.
The Avatar's investigation first took him to Britain, where he was told by Lord British that, unusually, he had not summoned the Avatar back to Britannia. As time passed, the Avatar discovered that the Fellowship, and their leader, Batlin, were behind the series of murders that had been occurring. Likewise, it was also revealed that Batlin was an agent of the Guardian. The source of all of Britannia's recent problems were discovered by the Avatar to be three Generators of the Guardian, constructed of a newly found substance called blackrock. Upon procuring these three generators, which in doing so restored magic to its former state, but also rendered the moongates useless, the Avatar travelled to the Isle of the Avatar to stop the Guardian from entering Britannia through an enchanted blackrock trans-dimensional portal, the Black Gate.
On his arrival at the Isle, the Avatar entered the Black Gate chamber and slew the Guardian's minions, save Batlin, who managed to escape by means of teleportation. In a noble act, the Avatar used the three blackrock generators and a transmutation wand to destroy the Black Gate and cast the Guardian into the void. As the Black Gate was his only way back to Earth, the Avatar had trapped himself in Britannia so that the people might be saved from the Guardian's evil doings...
Ultima 7 - Part 2
Eighteen months after the destruction of the Black Gate, all was not well in Britannia. Mysterious magical storms plagued the land, causing people, objects, and buildings to polymorph or to simply disappear. After the recovery of a map and an enchanted scroll outlining the Guardian's plans for Britannia's eventual destruction from amongst Batlin's belongings, Lord British sent the Avatar on a quest to a place called the Serpent Isle.
Like Britannia, Serpent Isle was constantly being ravaged by magical storms, among other troubles. The Avatar learned that the source of the problems was an ethereal Imbalance in the universe, the result of the absence of the Serpent of Balance, also known as the Great Earth Serpent, from the Ethereal Void. Without any means to balance the two remaining Serpents, a war was ignited between the forces of Chaos and Order, ending in the defeat of the Serpent of Chaos.
Traveling first to the far northern reaches of Serpent Isle to the Grand Shrine of Order, the Avatar encountered Batlin, who was soon struck down by the Guardian. This act released the three Banes of Chaos from Batlin's possession. The Banes took control of the Avatar's companions and unleashed their evil upon Serpent Isle, destroying it's only three cities. Fortunately, the Avatar soon imprisoned the Banes before they could do any more harm. Sadly, Dupre, one of the Avatar's formerly possessed companions, sacrificed himself so that the Serpent of Chaos could eventually be restored. The Avatar journeyed into the heart of Serpent Isle to the Grand Shrine of Chaos, where he used the three imprisoned Banes and Dupre's ashes to restore the Serpent of Chaos to it's former state, and obtained the Ophidian Sword.
Upon obtaining the Serpent crown, staff, and armor, the Avatar travelled finally to Sunrise Isle and entered the Grand Shrine of Balance. Wearing the three Serpent artifacts, and slaying the blackrock statue of the Great Earth Serpent, the Avatar was declared the Great Hierophant of Balance. He entered the Ethereal Void through the Wall of Lights, and witnessed the rejoining of the Serpents of Order, Chaos, and Balance. His accomplishment was short-lived, however, as the Guardian's booming voice echoed throughout the far reaches of the Void. No sooner did the Avatar turn to attempt to escape the Guardian's impending trap did the giant blood-red hand reach from nowhere and rip him from where he flew
Ultima 8
After being seized away from the Ethereal Void, the Avatar was thrust from a gigantic glowing pentagram suspended hundreds of metres above the ocean. The Guardian taunted the Avatar with the same threats that he had made years before. Before the Avatar could even realise his surroundings, he was dropped into the vast ocean below.
Awaking on the shore of this strange, isolated island, the Avatar befriended one of the locals, who had pulled him from the water, and learned that he was on a completely new world; a world named Pagan. Traveling to a nearby city, the Avatar observed lifestyles that were vastly different to those seen in Britannia. The queen of the city ruled with an iron fist, and had no tolerance for her citizens. As the city was ruled by a queen, so too was the entire world ruled, by four Titans of the Elements, and ultimately, the Guardian himself. Lithos the Mountain King and the Titan of Earth ruled the dirt and rock on which the Avatar stood. Stratos, the Titan of Air was the master of the wind that swept across the land. Hydros, the Titan of Water commanded the waves that crashed against the shores. Pyros, the Titan of Fire controlled the flames that roared up from the great volcano in the centre of the land.
The Avatar, intent on finding a way back to Britannia, learned that he must gather great power in order to escape the world that had him trapped. He was to harness the power of the Four Titans of the Elements. Journeying to every far reach of the island, the Avatar collected the Titans' powers into four blackrock prisms, similar to the three that he had used to defeat the Guardian during his last visit to Britannia.
The Avatar's quest brought him finally to the Ethereal Void. He conducted a ritual, placing the four prisms and a blackrock obelisk tip on a circular pentagram platform in the centre of the Void. The Avatar called upon the powers of which he had mastered, channelling them into the five pieces of blackrock that lay before him, until his magical essence was drained. From the middle of the pentagram sprung a shimmering Black Gate. Without hesitation, the Avatar stepped through, and in doing so, mastered the four elements of earth, air, fire and water, and became the Titan of Ether. The Black Gate took the Avatar back to his homeworld, Earth, where he stayed, helpless to stop the Guardian from carrying out his threat, until once more was he called back to Britannia. When the Avatar emerged, he saw an utterly devastated land sprawled before him. A hauntingly familiar laugh echoed through the mountains as the Avatar turned around to see a colossal likeness of the Guardian's head carved into the rough rock. His final threat made to the Avatar thirty Britannian years earlier had become a reality. The Guardian had conquered Britannia...
Ultima 9
The Avatar returns one last time to Brittania. The Land is devastated and the Eight Virtues are tainted by the evil of the Guardian. The Guardian has brought another potent force of evil into Brittania, Blackthorn. Eight huge pillars have sprung up close to the shrines of virtue. Evil forces emanate from each pillar, corrupting the virtues and destroying the shrines. Most of the citizens of Britania have been turned away from the virtues by the evil from the pillars. Through epic battle and an innate, pure sense of what the Virtues really mean does the Avatar finally free the Land from the grasp of evil.
A few notes, you say? *laughs* I do apologize for the length but it is indeed important that we all realize from whence we came, what 'Ultima' really means. For those that made it to the end, may the Light shine upon you and illuminate your path forever.