An End of an Era

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An End of an Era

Postby Michella on Mon May 05, 2003 2:03 am

Gall mentioned to all in Brit Bank tonight that Viceroy Blandon spoke to him telling him he would be at Trinsic Bank in a few moments. We told all we could and traveled to my new home town to see what the Viceroy wanted to tell us. He had a mission for us as he had found out that his fellow Preatorians were planning to blow up our city. At first there was division in the Preat Camp as to what to do but the idea of blowing up the city of Trinsic and their own Fort won out..the idea being if they couldn't have Trinsic then they wouldn't let any have it!

We were instructed by Blandon to search East Trinsic for a weapon that was so horrible and was ready to be deployed that we must move quickly. The group started out with Gall, Ehran, Raybell, Sethlenara, Rocks, Chelesea Duklain and myself. We valiantly traveled to the spot on the east coast on the docks and found a huge vat of explosives. Once this was found and the defenders summarily dispatched we headed back to Trinsic Bank to show Viceroy Blandon what we found as per instructions. He told us he was concerned because he saw enough explosives being made that would be more than enough for two vats of that size so we followed his instructions to go to the Preatorian Fort many miles south of the city. Our numbers of heroes had grown now and I am sorry to say I did not record the additional troups except I myself summoned Edison to come help. Possibly there are others that have more names. We all fought valiantly ever southward until we were finally at the camp where so many over the years have perished to the Preatorians. Finally inside the walls of the camp we fought on dodging the mines that littered the countryside. Out by the water it sat! Another huge vat of explosives. The Viceroy asked us then if we had wondered why he told us of his countrymen's plans and we carefully listened as he explained that he knew it would be a dishonorable act for them to destroy our fair city of Trinsic killing innocent townspeople. An act with no Valor, no Honor. He then proceeded to tell us we had only a moment or two to flee as he was going to detonate the explosives himself and die knowing he saved our city. We ran and escaped the worst of the blast and watched from a distance the walls crumble and fall all around us. I can't tell you the sadness that filled my heart to see such only scraps of brick and mortar are left where once was a bustling camp. We never recovered the body of the Viceroy and he has been known to escape before...I suppose there is hope for him...Connor appeared after we surveyed the devestation and told us he would like to study the remaining keg but that he wished for us to follow him to the Castle to put the keg Ehran was carrying in the chest behind the throne. We all followed him to see E place that monumental negative keg into safekeeping. He will examine the contents at a later time. He thanked us for our victory and we all departed to split the loot and some to celebrate. I hope someone with more recolections will post as my memory fades with the shock of seeing the Preat Fort dissappear before my eyes.
Respectfully submitted by Angelica
Jr. Assistant Regular Poster
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Joined: Wed Oct 09, 2002 10:18 pm
Location: Trinsic, WoD

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