Its been, well, a while (probably something along the lines of 6 months, hehe), but I guess its time to try to organise one of these beasts again, been on my mind for a while now but what with one thing or another it's just been impossible.
Think I will stick pretty much with the same rules as the other two, about the only main change is that if we get much over 10 or so participants it will probably become necessary to split into two groups, an idea I really hate, but we had an enormous group on number II and I cant speak for anyone else but I was lagged out almost to the point of not being able to move.
Time: Saturday May 22 3pm Eastern
* Player crafted equipment only - armour and/or jewelry are fine and no Benson potioned items don't count as player crafted
* Just for completeness, no magic clothing, weapons or skill buffs
* No spell buffs yes this means AR 17 mages and AR 30 (more with shield) tanks
* I'd like to say no mounts, but that would result in 0 participants so we will pass on that
* No pets/summons
* No barding mobs
If we start meeting up at the old brit bank (the building that is normally the west brit bank) a half hour or so before hand we should be able to get off to a start somewhat on time (these things never are, hehe).
For those who are intrested in how it went before here is a
link to the first one.
I would post a link to the second as well but I can't seem to find it. *curses his weak search-fu*
Right, We used destard last time, that worked rather well as there is a fair bit of space so people dont wind up standing on top of each other, so thats my target location right now, but if theres any consensus on another location thats great too.
What else. *thinks*
Oh, plase post here with a char type (mage/archer/warrior) your planning on attending with, would just like to get an idea of what the group balance may look like.
Anyone who needs equipment made for this feel free to PM me and I'll see about getting you set up.