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Re: The Marius Report

Postby Joram Lionheart on Sat Sep 04, 2004 8:40 pm

Marius the Black wrote:WoD has made it five years, but it's become apparent to anyone who's remained here for any length of time that the world refuses to change. Every strong-willed player who had a presence on the forums has desired change that they believed would benefit the world, but found themselves ostracised for speaking out loud.

Hey, if I could change something I would (believe me, I've tried). I can't honestly say I've ever found myself ostracized for speaking my mind. I've had MANY people disagreed with me over the years but it's not disagreements or arguments that have brought me to disappointment. At least when someone argues against me I know I'm being heard. It is the fact that nothing ever gets done regardless how many times I bring an issue up. You can only speak your mind so many times before you realize you are really just wasting your breath. The real sad part is that even if I was a GM I doubt there is much I could do.

Whether you want to deny it, or not, the fact is that WoD discourages people who speak their mind.

Oh not at all. WoD players can speak their mind as much as they want, whenever they want. Problem is . . . that's all they can do.

Drocket, if you want people to care for WoD, give them a reason to.

I can care all I want, but all the good feelings in the world will not change the way WoD has become.
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Postby simon on Sun Sep 05, 2004 12:18 am

Hey M, I'm still around I do get in game, haven't done a major hunt as of late, but i do keep the vendor stocked and craft items. I done alot of blacksmith contracts and farming.

But major change is indeed needed. Over the course of time that i have been here, I tossed a few ideas and some of them had been picked up.

I'd expand more, but I am not at home right now, i'm scared my dial up may d/c.

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Re: The Marius Report

Postby Drocket on Sun Sep 05, 2004 2:15 am

Marius the Black wrote:As to the recent state of affairs; it is exactly what WoD desires - a complacent player base who offers no criticisms, reports on events as they happen and ask questions of the game world as they arise. After five years, it is very clear as to what is permissable in the game world and what is not - there are very few grey areas to discuss with any interest. Coupled with the fact that there are very few people who can argue intelligently (Marius Guide to Forum Posting, q.v), leaves those issues sterile.

Unfortunately, I think you are correct...

If there is no desire for you, Drocket, to take to the problems of WoD without a sense of satisfaction and a very clear indicative of reward, it is not your place to ask the people to provide this. The argument being that all players of WoD are 'asked' to contribute to the world without any sort of reward, without recompense or even for any other reason than sheer charity and the fact that they are almost 'indebted' to do so. That you cannot do the same is only the height of irony. Why should people do what the admin can not?

Here I have to disagree, though (somewhat, with provisions...) This is a two-way street. Strength comes from both sides. The players cannot exist without the admin, and the admin cannot exist without the players.

I sorry to admit that I've made several very bad mistakes, and have failed to provide the support on my side that I should have. I've been trying to correct this recently, to start providing more support from my side, but I find that I can't, because the strength from the player's side isn't there anymore (which, again, I admit is mostly my fault for not having been there before.)

For there to be any hope of WoD being rebuilt, the strength needs to come from both sides. Right now, I'm ready to try to make up for my past failings, but I find that I have nothing to push against. I guess that's what my post was mostly about: I need you, the players, to provide the strength on the other side, if you're still around and willing to help...
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Postby Baldo on Sun Sep 05, 2004 2:55 am

Drocket...... If you need people to help on the players side...... I will be the first one to raise my hand to say I am for it......

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Postby simon on Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:16 am

I'm still here, i'm behind you, ready to push and hoping you didn't eat baked beans for lunch.

We have alot of newbies here too, we can rebuild this thing.
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Postby Marius the Black on Sun Sep 05, 2004 6:12 am

It's not a question of rebuilding: WoD isn't broken. In fact, it's as stable as it's ever been.

What WoD is, is boring.

Something must be added, and it will be something the admin have fear of introducing for game balance or whatever reasons, things WoD lacks. Guilds, PvP, more Seers, whatever it happens to be (these are just *some* suggestions, not all) will be the thing that increases interest levels.

But what about a year from now, when it happens again? WoD needs to stop making band-aid fixes to problems and having weak, everyone-agrees resolutions and start moving agressively forward, for the long term.

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Postby Laephis on Sun Sep 05, 2004 6:19 am

The politics of failure has failed! And I say we must move forward, not backward. Upward, not forward. And always twirling, twirling, twirling toward freedom!
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Re: The Marius Report

Postby Eldric on Sun Sep 05, 2004 11:06 am

Drocket wrote:For there to be any hope of WoD being rebuilt, the strength needs to come from both sides. Right now, I'm ready to try to make up for my past failings, but I find that I have nothing to push against. I guess that's what my post was mostly about: I need you, the players, to provide the strength on the other side, if you're still around and willing to help...

I don't know if I am alone in this or not, but I am not really sure what you are asking for here Drocket, detailed ideas of what changes might be made, acceptance of changes instead of flames when they might make things harder?
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Postby Drocket on Sun Sep 05, 2004 3:16 pm

Unfortunately, other things have come up that essentially make the question moot...
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Postby simon on Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:29 pm

Drocket wrote:Unfortunately, other things have come up that essentially make the question moot...

Take that statment combine it with the front page pic, which points to a error.html that isn't found on the server and it makes one wonder.
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Now I know how the Vandals felt

Postby Marius the Black on Sun Sep 05, 2004 10:42 pm

Ah, the last-ditch effort of the desperate to cling to the ruins of a fallen empire. Too late, too little? All this anticipation and foreshadowing builds expectation. Though, it's all so exquisitely ironic. :twisted:

Maybe, just maybe, it'll be successful. Either way, it'll be fun to watch.

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