Marius the Black wrote:WoD has made it five years, but it's become apparent to anyone who's remained here for any length of time that the world refuses to change. Every strong-willed player who had a presence on the forums has desired change that they believed would benefit the world, but found themselves ostracised for speaking out loud.
Hey, if I could change something I would (believe me, I've tried). I can't honestly say I've ever found myself ostracized for speaking my mind. I've had MANY people disagreed with me over the years but it's not disagreements or arguments that have brought me to disappointment. At least when someone argues against me I know I'm being heard. It is the fact that nothing ever gets done regardless how many times I bring an issue up. You can only speak your mind so many times before you realize you are really just wasting your breath. The real sad part is that even if I was a GM I doubt there is much I could do.
Whether you want to deny it, or not, the fact is that WoD discourages people who speak their mind.
Oh not at all. WoD players can speak their mind as much as they want, whenever they want. Problem is . . . that's all they can do.
Drocket, if you want people to care for WoD, give them a reason to.
I can care all I want, but all the good feelings in the world will not change the way WoD has become.