Ice Fiends make a stand

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Ice Fiends make a stand

Postby Malakim on Sat Aug 21, 2004 7:36 pm

Today Gemini was picking chest in Ice when he stumbled into the Ice Fiend room,well seeing a Fiend he started casting some spells when the screen goes black,and his death cry is heard through out the land.It seems the Ice Fiends had rally in one spot,ready the make there invasion somewhere. Well Mal comes along to save his char's butt,but gets some help from many friends(please someone who knows who all was there to post the names)After a hard and long fought battle we smashed any planes the Ice Fiends had,so to everyone thanks a bunch,and please post you version of the story,cause am not very good at it.I don't beleive a note was found to bad.
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Postby Kronos Leir on Sun Aug 22, 2004 12:35 am

My Self , Bron, Aislin, Kappa. Sorry thats all that I can remember right now.
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Postby Aislin on Sun Aug 22, 2004 12:43 am

Mal came into the bank where Bron and i were chatting. He said that Ice was overran with Ice Fiends and that Gemini had been ambushed. So we all buffed and ran down there where Bron and I promptly died at the entrance, we were not much help. Brenna and Raven came back with Belle, Kappa, Kronos, Aimee, Macitor, Galorm, Thorn and a few others to help out. A lot of death cries rang out.

Ive never seen so many Ice fiends in my life....there were frogged people everywhere. Aimee stepped on the vortex and lost a lot of weight in only 2 minutes.

As Mal said there was no note found but i do believe the ice fiends had been planning something diabolical. Mal just happened upon them still in the planning stage.

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Postby Bronwyn on Sun Aug 22, 2004 1:52 am

That was alot of Icy Blue fun. It was a hoot and I had a really good time.

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Postby Malakim on Sun Aug 22, 2004 1:20 pm

yes it was very fun,and King Mal didn't die :twisted: It reminded me of the good ole days,when everyone came to help,but it showed some of the newer players like to help out to,so Seers keep it up you brought alot of woders together,and we had a blast.
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Postby Zanzabar on Tue Aug 31, 2004 11:41 pm

I'm not gonna try, but it seems they're making another. Might wanna check it out in a group, I got poisoned 10 times in less seconds.
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