by Azzo Ranar on Tue Jun 08, 2004 3:49 pm
I think if anyone could remake the pink panthers, only 2 people in my oppinion would be worth interviewing.First, I would pick Robin Williams, and second Steve Martin. Either way the performance will be excellent. While both have proven their stuff in their history in Hollywood, I feel Robin is among the top three actors of all time. The third actor being Ronald Reagan, for his role as U.S. President. The presidential office is as much a movie screen as any theater in any town if not much much more so. Think about it like this if you would for a moment won't you please. As president of the United States of America, one must have great diplomatic skills to function in every day life regardless of the situation be it waking up or dealing with international crisis. Every decision, each detail is scrutinized from any and all angles. Thje president must remain in character at all times, not just be himself, he must be the President. Ronald Reagan from all current accounts was just being himself. The president must put on a cheery face for almost all occasions regardless of his personal feelings for the situation. He is after all not there to serve his own interests so much as the interests of his country. (Current presidential folk, both Dem and Rep could use a lesson or three in that area but that is for another debate) John Wayne, god rest his soul, would have made a DAMN good president as well. I say get more actors into politics, polititians are just amature actors trying to lie convincingly enough to get their own way. But wow did I digress! Ronald Reagan deserved an Oscar for his role as the 40th President of the United States of America.