spam factory

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spam factory

Postby Ehran on Sat Apr 24, 2004 5:55 pm

I just discovered that my computer had been a victim of a trojan and turned into a spam factory. I am very sorry if anyone in wod got spammed or anything. in order to cure this i have procured a router. the only problem now is discovering what port i need to open in order to play UO on wod. if some kind computer literate soul could let me know that it would be very helpful. even more so if i figure out how to open a port hehe.
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Postby kaice on Sun Apr 25, 2004 11:38 am

I don't know how accurate this is pertaining to the WoD, but the info from OSI's site on firewalls and ports is :
What are the port numbers I need to play UO behind a firewall or proxy server?
If you are running Ultima Online behind a firewall or using a proxy server, you will need these port numbers open for incomming and outgoing traffic.

TCP/IP ports:

5001-5010 Game
7775-7777 Login
8888 Patch
8800-8900 UO Messenger
9999 Patch

You will not be able to play UO without access to these open ports.
For information on opening these ports in your firewall or proxy server, please contact either the fire wall/proxy manufacturer or your system administrator.

If these ports can not be opened, you will need to find an alternate method of connecting to the internet where these ports can be opened.

I got this by going to, hitting the 'Support' on the left sidebar menu, then entering 'firewall' in the search term.
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Postby simon on Sun Apr 25, 2004 3:06 pm

Depending on the version, 2.x uses 2539 and all the test clients use 7011 as far as I can tell.
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Postby Ehran on Sun Apr 25, 2004 4:56 pm

i seem to have purchased a router so idiot proof that i managed to set it up right the first time. essentially i just plugged the assorted bits in and updated the firmware. then everything worked just fine.
i even managed to delete the virus'd files without screwing anything else up. all things considered i am quite chuffed with myself right now. :lol:
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