Question about necro and druid spells.

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Question about necro and druid spells.

Postby Aethera Mikara on Tue Apr 27, 2004 12:15 pm

I have several questions regarding certain necro and druid spells.
Firstly, the necro spell "Wraith's Breath" is supposed to create an area effect poison, yet it only says something like "you drained 'x' mana" when it's cast... similar to an almost failed manadrain. Does it simply not work? And if so, why not remove it entirely? And is the "area effect poison" not working on "Wraithform" as well? And, again, if so, why not remove it entirely? Same goes for "Plague".

Next, druid spells- there are quite a few that simply are a waste to cast, considering that in order to even succeed, you have to have a secondary magery skill when it performs the check, in which case, there are MANY other, more cost efficient magery spells, which do MORE damage and take far less time, and less expensive or rare regs to cast. The spells I'm referring to are "Fire Snakes", "Snowstorm", "Tidal Wave"(the necro spell "Frost Field" falls in this category too). Also, "Grasping Roots" sure summons a tentacle type-beast thing... but it does nothing. NOTHING. Except if you are unfortunate enough to walk into it yourself, in which case it attacks YOU, not the monster you cast it at. "Wolf Pack" and "Sylvan Guardian" sound good on the website, but in practice, their duration is far too short to warrant casting them more than once in your druidry career. And of the new druid spells, Gaea's Fury kicks butt, but Enduring Renewal does nothing. It gives you a targetting cursor, and you can target yourself, or an ally, but nothing comes of it. No health regeneration bonus. Zip. Zilch. Niente. Is there something not implemented with it yet, or is it just not possible?

Thanks to anyone in the know who provides any answers.
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Postby fitzchivary on Tue Apr 27, 2004 12:28 pm

is a very uslefull spell !ther rest of them neco spells i do not use so it doesnt matter to me.

as far as druid spells go most of them are a waste
the only ones i use are summoning and naturers bless and curse.
snow storm would be great if it didnt target the caster unlike plauge which doesnt affect the caster !
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Postby Bassett on Tue Apr 27, 2004 12:31 pm

No no no no no. Wraith's Breath is area effect mana vamp, Plague gives area poison :)
Wraithform damages nearby creatures, no poison there either, it's rather good actually.
Grasping roots is rather funny now, it makes 5 instead of one, so it catches enemies pretty well(i got caught in the shabooli fort like dozen times) :)
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Yet again

Postby Kronos Leir on Tue Apr 27, 2004 12:48 pm

As for the Wraiths Form- does what Bassett said and it also drains mana so you can just sit there casting lighting and kill everything around you. I use it when their is a large group of mobs around me works well.

As for the druid spells-Tidal Wave-it now cast very fast. Does alot of damage to some creatures. I use it all the time

Snowstorm-All you need is scrolls of great heal and your good to go.

Fire Snakes-I hate this one.

Enduring Renewal-I use this one. It does have regeneration you just have to look for it have have not tested it to see how much and how long till it does.

Grasping Roots-It does now para things seeing how there are 5 of them.
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Postby Rime on Tue Apr 27, 2004 3:18 pm

Wraith Form is a wonderful little spell... Rime uses it alot to kill lots of baddies alonge side with Plague... never run out of mana, thus I can always heal, so thus I don't die, match immortality with the mass poisoning of everyone around you and the consistent thunding motion of lighting smithing everyone around you and you just have a jolly good time ^.^
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Postby Celeste Kendreyl on Tue Apr 27, 2004 5:43 pm

I noticed the same thing about Enduring Renewal. I got no health regeneration from it at all, and TRUST me, I WAS looking for it...hehe.

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Postby Joram Lionheart on Tue Apr 27, 2004 7:44 pm

Perhaps it is broken. Drocket did say grasping roots wasn't working quite right yet either.
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Postby Kronos Leir on Tue Apr 27, 2004 9:03 pm

Well the other night when I went hunting dragons I cast it and my dragons health seemed to be going up alot faster then normal.
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Postby Celeste Kendreyl on Tue Apr 27, 2004 9:08 pm

Ok, tested out Enduring Renewal. I had max str at 125, and had taken a breath of fire from a great, so I was down to 91 health. Toddled off to a safe location and cast Enduring Renewal and targetted myself, with my dragon sitting right next to me. 91 health. Wait. 91 health. Wait. 91 health... eventually, yes, I got to 92, and then even 93 health, but that was from normal hp regen by that time. There was absolutely no health regen incurred from Enduring Renewal whatsoever. Obviously it is broken, or not yet implemented in the way it is intended.

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Postby Kronos Leir on Tue Apr 27, 2004 9:21 pm

Well i just tested it my self on my self i cast lighting on my self just not and i went to like 60 or somthing with 70 base i took out my b-aids and cast the spell i was at full in no time i woudl say about 2 or 3 seconds.
And if you are on and want me to show you that it works .msg Kronos Leir
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Postby Celeste Kendreyl on Wed Apr 28, 2004 1:59 am

Interesting... perhaps it works for some and not for others. I believe you that it is working for you, but believe ME that it has absolutely NO effect on my character... might you have been at the final "quest" portion of the shadowpack invasion that I missed? Just grasping at straws here to figure this out, but I fugred maybe that had something to do with it... but, then again, why would Gaea's Fury work well for me... hmmm... very odd indeed.
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Postby Drocket on Wed Apr 28, 2004 2:25 am

I really don't know why it would not work for you. A couple of possiblities, though: If you're hidden, the spell won't affect you. Also, if you get the message "The elements do not heed your call" (or similar), that means that you failed the Animallore skillcheck for the spell.

When you cast the spell, it affects the area around where you target. Anyone affected by the spell get a sparkle effect (just one, to show that they've been hit by it.)
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Postby Celeste Kendreyl on Wed Apr 28, 2004 4:01 am

Ok, there ya go... I've never gotten a sparkle. I get a targetting cursor, target either myself or my dragon, and nothing. No message that the elements weren't listening, no fizzle, no health regen. And my hiding is at 0, and I'm always riding my mare, so that's not it. Actually, I'll test it out a few more times tonight, and if it still doesn't work I'll page in game to ask about it. Thanks though, Drocket, for the info.

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