SuperDude4444 wrote:But Atei,
I thought you said you wanted me gone...
So why now the change of heart?
Why now after I shed my tears is it ok for me to return?!?
I thought you wanted to publicly FLOG me!
And I thought I was just a baby TROLL!
Well even if I am I have feelings too.
I said I wanted you gone because you hadn't retracted your statements. You have realized that attacking the shard and the admins wasn't the way to go. So many of us have made big mistakes here on the boards, and one of the hallmarks of this shard is to forgive and forget. Hell, I'll even help you replace your lost gear. I do that because that is what we do here on WoD. However, until you apologized and recognized the error of your ways, there is no way I was going to offer.
Look, realizing you made a mistake is a big step, and we all recognize that. I don't want anyone to leave, and besides, who am I to tell you whether you should play here or not? I'm just another member of WoD society, playing a game (for FREE) and interacting with people from literally around the world. My opinion doesn't count any more than yours, and if our situations were reversed, there is NO way that I would let someone tell me to leave, especially after I stepped up to the plate and publicly apologized.
If you decide to stay, and I hope you do, please look me up in game and I will do what I can to help you re-outfit. I don't have a lot, but what I do have and you can use, you can have.