I don't know what is going on, but the past 3 days I've seen strange stuff around the AG when coming back from quests or just starting out for the day.
On sunday there was an Air Elemental trapped in the back room with the fireplace. Later that day there was a Praetorian Captain just west of the AG. Yesterday there was a flaming skeleton in the main hall and today there was a troll archer just ouside the doors.
My main thought is that people are gating back, bringing stuff with them and just leaving it there. I don't mind this, myself but I know some people get ticked when bad guys aren't where there are supposed to be. That said, in a bit of advice to whoever might be doing this, you might want to kill anything that comes through your gate or risk being given a lecture.
My other thought is that something a little more eeevil is brewing. Stranger things have happened on WOD