Magic: The Gathering :D

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Magic: The Gathering :D

Postby Casio Ruben on Sun Apr 25, 2004 2:05 pm

who plays this? :D I do! I do!
and kwoth u do! u do! :D
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Postby Joka Atticus on Mon Apr 26, 2004 12:47 am

i do

infact i have a tourney tommarow at school
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Postby Kale Greeneye on Mon Apr 26, 2004 2:23 am

wow umm no offense to you guys but... that terrible :shock: :?
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Postby Drocket on Mon Apr 26, 2004 2:30 am

I play Magic: the Gathering Online. Really don't have much of anyone around my area to play with so I haven't played paper MTG in years, but I have a decent collection of MTGO cards. I haven't played much lately, though, though I drop in for a game now and then. If anyone else plays online, my accountname is Drocket (of course :))
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Postby Celeste Kendreyl on Mon Apr 26, 2004 1:27 pm

I used to play M:TG... a LONG time Had a bunch of beta and first edition... but then they went and changed all the rules. I regrouped, and bought a whole bunch of revised. Then they went and changed all the rules. I regrouped again and bought fourth edition. Then they went and changed all the rules. I bought Fallen Empires, Dark, Legends, etc. etc. etc... then they went and changed all the rules. Needless to say, this trend continued until somewhere around the whole Gaea's thing... then I tuned out. Got way too expensive, and for those of us who had actually gone to, and gotten to the semi-finals at Nationals (held at Neutral Ground in Manhattan), it really didn't seem real fair anymore. I mean, for someone who *used to* be able to drop a first round Shivan Dragon and watch your opponent cry, the rules changes didn't really seem like they were geared toward people who had actually taken the time to figure out HOW to play the game, but rather toward those players who chose to cheese their way into tournies... dunno, I just lost interest in it. I still have my old stuff, and me and the hubby play once in a while with some of my old decks. It's still fun for us because we play by the old rules.

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Postby Twilight Silvermoon on Wed Apr 28, 2004 5:40 am

Yes I am currently infatuated with MTG: Darksteel. The cards are awesome and even more so combo'ed with older cards. Darksteel is an artifact set of cards as in.. most of the cards in this series are artifacts and variations there of.

My favortie combo at this point with the deck I play with is.

Darksteel Forge+Wrath of god+Desolation Angel=Armegeddon

First.. play darksteel forge...makes all artifacts indestructable. Then play wrath of god. This destroys all creatures (except artifacts because of the forge all artifacts you controll are indy... so.. using alot of artifact-creatures its a big +) And last but not least play desolation angel... pay the two plain kicker cost.. to destroy all lands. Armegeddon combination at its finest. Leaves your opponets hurting with no creatures and no land. :):):)

Sorry... for that outburst... now back to your regularly scheduled programming...
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Postby Myr on Wed Apr 28, 2004 8:01 am

Why not play Forge with Mycosynth Lattice then drop in a Nevinyrral's Disk to wipe the board? Play with Eureka and you can drop it all on the same turn. (it is so much fun to look at your opponents face when they realize all the goodies they dropped are going bye bye) get a voltaic key to untap and use the disk. or even run Lattice with Furnace Dragons. drop the dragon the turn after you play lattice float 2 mana and drop a Lightning Greeves and smack your oponent. they get to rebuild while you have a flying untargetable dragon in play. :twisted:

If you play type 2 my fav combo of the week is Gensis Chamber with Proteous Staff. Shuffle the token into the deck and place a good creature in play and guess what you get another token :twisted: nothing like placing a Darksteel Colussus in play and a 1/1 token.

oh btw I dont play mtg :shock: hehe
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Postby Elwen Dragonfire on Sat May 01, 2004 7:33 pm

hmm i dont know what mtg is but i have played magic before with the cards ive just been learning though so im not that good. hehe but i think its fun. Hey! another thing a blond teenager usually doesnt do! :P

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Postby Aran Dragonblood on Wed May 05, 2004 12:47 am

Oh Scott, hehe Counter. :P
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Postby Orion Michaels on Wed May 05, 2004 4:03 am

Aran Dragonblood wrote:Oh Scott, hehe Counter. :P

In Response to your Counter, I add lightning bolt to the stack targeting you. :twisted:

I don't play either :mrgreen:
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Postby Myr on Wed May 05, 2004 8:44 am


Counter isn't printed anymore silly boy you can vex, or last word the dragon but then I can shunt the countering spell to shunt :P dont forget I can go off with the dragon on turn 4 I dont need the greeves I just like them. (you could stifle the dragon's in play effect, but I still have a dragon for 3 mana haha)

As for the type 1 deal, with Eureka yeah you can counter the Eureka and I dont get to drop all my stuff its not like I could use overmaster or counter's of my own remember they come into play as Eureka is resolving so the next chance you have to respond is when I am destroying everything hehe.
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Postby Celeste Kendreyl on Wed May 05, 2004 9:00 am

Hehe, ok, want your head to hurt real bad? Keep reading...

I was at the National semi-finals at Neutral Ground in '94 with a wicked red/green deck that had 3 disenchants in it... (this was the deck I could drop a Shivan on turn 1 with). It was around turn 10 or so in my second game to take my division, and I cast a Shivan. My opponent countered it. Now this is where it gets interesting... I Forked his counterspell, and targetted IT. The judges sat for nearly an hour before coming to the conclusion that since my fork would resolve first, his counter was countered....but since it was countered, how could IT counter anything? Needless to say, my Shivan didn't hit the table... though we all had a nice little break there, and the following year they made some core rules changes to eliminate that sort of thing from happening again. Hehe. BTW, I went on to the finals and was beaten down like a red-headed step-child by a white weenie deck... GOD I hated those things...

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Postby Aran Dragonblood on Thu May 06, 2004 12:55 am

Orion Why! :P
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Postby Aran Dragonblood on Thu May 06, 2004 12:56 am

Oh And Scott, Hence the reason I don't Play anymore. :evil:
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Postby Orion Michaels on Thu May 06, 2004 4:12 pm

Celeste Kendreyl wrote:Hehe, ok, want your head to hurt real bad? Keep reading...

I was at the National semi-finals at Neutral Ground in '94 with a wicked red/green deck that had 3 disenchants in it... (this was the deck I could drop a Shivan on turn 1 with). It was around turn 10 or so in my second game to take my division, and I cast a Shivan. My opponent countered it. Now this is where it gets interesting... I Forked his counterspell, and targetted IT. The judges sat for nearly an hour before coming to the conclusion that since my fork would resolve first, his counter was countered....but since it was countered, how could IT counter anything? Needless to say, my Shivan didn't hit the table... though we all had a nice little break there, and the following year they made some core rules changes to eliminate that sort of thing from happening again. Hehe. BTW, I went on to the finals and was beaten down like a red-headed step-child by a white weenie deck... GOD I hated those things...


Funny thing is, that works now. Just like deflecting a counterspell to target the deflection does.
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