Moderators: Siobhan, Sebastian, Drocket
Marius the Black wrote:...I doubt the Admin will listen to me, but I'm sure if we work together, we can bring something positive to WoD.
Laephis wrote: I'd love to see a library, but I'd love it even more if players took it upon themselves to construct all of it . . . I've seen some pretty amazing things done with just the simple tools UO gives you. Honestly, sometimes I think WoD suffers from "handholditis" a little too much.
Joram Lionheart wrote:Totally unfair comparison, Laephis.
WoD will never be like the OSI shards because WoD is made up of a handful of semi-regular lurkers while OSI shards count on THOUSANDS of hardcore RPers and guildmember faithfuls, exactly the kind of players WoD is in extremely short supply of. [Despite what conventional wisdom says, OSI shards are not made up of only powergamers and jerks.]
While RPing is allowed in WoD, this is not a RPing shard. Far from it, the only time anything remotely close to RPing takes place is during quests. Do we have RPers? Sure. But since our society is not into RPing, it is hard to get people to participate in RPing-oriented events UNLESS the Admins get involved (i.e. the Seers).
Take Marius Library for instance. How long has he been adverstising this thing, like a whole year? In that time he's gotten a few good reviews but no one has done anything to help him. He came up with the idea, he made it public, and he did all the work. And my guess is so long as the Admins keep ingnoring him, no one is going to give a damn about his library in a few months.
Players can do some pretty amazing things without GM assistance.
After nearly five years of playing here in WoD, though, I can tell you with certainty that all those amazing things are doomed to failure without some sort of Admin recognition.
Marius the Black wrote:Laephis, with all due respect, I think the lack of intervention on the Admin's part to let player ideas grow is the sole reason so much of Britannia stands empty. Just as it is very difficult for players to see the side of Admin (yet feel their hand), I will say that it is very difficult for the Admin to see things strictly as players, no matter what their gaming experience.
I've seen other shards where they've actually constructed areas in the Green Acres, and the admin were happy to let player ideas grow. They encouraged good ideas and fostered growth. Truly, hard work, effort and ingenuity was rewarded. Can the same be said about WoD?
Joram is right - player legacies don't last. S.C.C is gone. The Fellowship Hall is near but forgotten, and I'll wager my library lasts a scant six months before falling into obscurity. Such is life. But it's important to me, and it's a positive legacy I can leave to WoD if I ever do decide to leave. I can't stress the feeling of abandonment I have when good, positive ideas for this shard, only to have it said "well, it's in your hands son, go for it."
The very fact of the matter is that unless you want to give me powers of a Seer or some such, I'm not able to achieve my goals. Simple as that. Too ambitious? Quite possibly. Arrogant and over-rated? Maybe.
However, if you want to cling to old traditions and ignore the task of keeping WoD growing and fresh (and if that does mean involvement by the Admin in league with players, then so be it) then that is exactly the way the shard would go. It's kind of upsetting that you see fostering players wanting to make the shard grow as troublesome and "beyond the concern" of the administration in general.
Why? Because we suck. The shard has been wallowing in mediocrity for a long time now, and it's going to take some pretty big changes on our part to get things headed in the right direction. Wanna help? Use your tools and your creativity and make WoD someplace special.
I know WoD has had them in the past, but they fade quickly like everything else.
Marius the Black wrote:
Ironic that when those "big changes" are offered to you by players, they are not embraced. I've plenty more projects to start on, if only I could get my library up. I'm not going to waste time with a player-run library, because that's just insulting. I've no desire to put all my hard work and effort into obscurity.
That's not surprising, with the lack of support. I think the attitude of the Admin having "it's in the players hands" is really just to off-load the responsibilities of running a shard.
If you (the Admin in general) are afraid of making changes, what kind of message does that send us, the players?
If it is "hard" for you to work on projects, what gives us - the players - any inspiration to continue? I've spent an entire *year* of my free time chasing down text for a computer game and cataloguing it for the enjoyment of others. I've spent hours typing and proof-reading and trying to get support for my idea. I've tried to do everything I can 'as a player' to make this happen. And when it comes down to me calling for support, this is what I get;
"I'm sorry, I cannot help you with that."
Welcome to the World of OSI.
What ever happened to do something because it's something you wanted to do, regardless if anyone else notices?
We want to see players taking an active role in their shard and not looking to us all the time.
When you are told you won't get any special treatment over it, you throw a fit over it.
What's the point of a player library if no players use it?
Now it needs help, but apprently, it'd serve far more 'use' by sitting in some deeded tower where no one will visit.
Laephis wrote:What makes WoD so different? Is it a numbers thing? Even with a significantly smaller playerbase we still have very little: in five years the Haunt and FH are the only two things I can think of that come close.
Roleplaying has nothing to do with players taking initiative to create a world they want to play in.
Why is everything doomed? So far I haven't seen anything that's stopping anyone from attempting whatever they desire...except maybe lack of motivation? Or lack of time?
Here are some examples of what I've seen over the years on OSI: rune library, treasure map library, player run auctions, shard history museums, reading rooms, etc.
I'm not saying all or any of these would work here, but none of those people had OSI GMs helping them. Most of them were projects done by one or two people who were inspired and got a little creative with the tools they were given. What makes us so different?
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