I've been trying figure out a way to personally salute Lady C's return to WoD. She has been bugging me for a while to come back, so I've tried to think of something special to do "in game." One thought I am considering is staging "A Return to Buc's Den." Now some folks may have read the "Buc's Den Journals" in the player submissions, but thought it was just a short story like "Smudge on the Mountain." When Uthr orginally posted the Journals, he left out the introduction that explained what they were all about. What I did was place my entire group of characters into Buc's Den, each with nothing but a dagger and a robe. Then I brought them to life in turns and they had to get off the island on their own. The journals recount (in their own twisted viewpoint) the actual events as they accomplished that task. The game has changed a bit since then, the character's skillsets changed, and I have become very rusty at playing it, so maybe the time is ripe to do it again.
One of the things that has always bugged me (excuse the pun) was that last time we were aided to a sort of "head start" due to a bug of sorts. At the beginning, the healers on the island were set as some kind of super-warriors who killed anything you could lure close enough. Drocket fixed that, but not until after we had gotten some valuable initial supplies. We sort of owe Buc's Den a rematch based on that alone.
Anyway, what opinions are there out there? There is a connection of sorts to Ciara, since she will be returning after a short absense, and I would be returning to the game (at least for this exercise) and the boys would be returning to BD. I would publish a journal, of course, which would kind of commemorate the occasion and mark the date. However, the REAL occasion would still be Ciara's return, and I would not want in any way to compete with that or upstage it. Opinions?