by Liselle on Fri Jun 04, 2004 11:46 pm
wow.. were to start...
thank you guys so much...i know its just a game. but it hurts all the same...
yes i did talk with C earlier while she made me recall scrolls (300 of them!!!)
yes joram im a girl. nice of you to notice *smiles*
ciara you were a big help!
scott, if you log on here,
THANK YOU so much. you have helped the most of everyone by makingm e laugh adn smile.
thank you for the offer herk, thats really sweet.
bassett, i have seen yor picture today. cutie.
*giggles and blushes*
*sigh* im starting to feel better. i think ill be ok. Daeron left me QUITE a bit of money. (close to 500k i think) and some things to decorate my house with. so its not like he just ran away evilly....
Love Liselle