so as not to collide with other expressions of lost love, I moved this one to a separate post.
Sometimes a relationship just isn't going to work for a variety of reasons. The emotions are swirling and powerful but circumstances in life may prevent two from becoming One. When that happens, it is all well and good to tell the other you'll always love them and never give up hope but that often prevents the two of you from moving on, from healing and regaining your own lives, sadly separate as they may be. When it becomes finally apparent that it isn't going to happen you can't hold on forever because that just eeps you from recovering your own -self- and continuing to achieve personal growth. You have to accept life as it is and let go:
There is a yawning distance,
where suffering is incident to wisdom.
Between thieves of excess we hang,
skirmishes in the act of knowing.
Blossoms wilt but never depart,
lingering scents of days gone past
In the Garden of our souls,
hides a fading secret.
What was to be forever always
is now forever gone,
Except in dreamtime wanderings,
A shattered glass of longing.
Time may salve the agony,
may erode away the hopes and dreams
But acceptance of less will surely rend,
Cold reality blows away the veil of fantasy.