Maybe there could be a birthday Quest? Don't know if Admin will break 'tradition' of failing to "exist"..
Here's a few things I could think of. Feel free to suggest/improve/ignore completely/etc as usual.
But, we could have (any or all):
Buffless hunts
Nudie runs through a dungeon
Alcohol drinking contests
Sheep shearing contest (Hey, I'm Australian, mate
) PvP tourney
Boat races
Big group treasure hunts
Something like the tournament on Buc's Den ages back
Player-piece chess competition on the big board
Squeeze-everyone-into-the-smallest-deeded-house game
Horse racing contests
Hands Across Britannia (probably not enough people..)
Poetry readings and story telling
Some of them are quite complex, while others are simple. I figured that I'd brainstorm everything I could think of, because maybe there's something there the players can do, or the Admin, or anyone! 5 years is pretty big, so it doesn't hurt to be creative.
The one in bold is what I'd go for. It was very fun, and all the players enjoyed it. Though, unless people are willing to donate their tokens and such, I doubt it would be doable. So maybe some sort of variant?
Anyway, there's my suggestions, which I don't think ar half bad at all! I'd love to see a sheep shearing contest!
- Marius the Aussie
Lord of the Tower of Scorn, Mate