by Drocket on Mon Sep 06, 2004 6:41 am
Marius, I too would like to see WoD continue (again, though, not with me as developer - as I said, I've discovered that its time for me to move on.) The question, though, is one of finding someone both capable and able to host a shard: not an easy task. Adding to that difficulty is that we're not willing to hand WoD over to just anyone. The person to whom we would hand over WoD, if anyone at all, needs to be completely trustworthy and truly care about WoD. Some of the names you mentioned fit some of those characteristics and some others, but as far as I know, none of them fit everything, and I'm pretty sure that some of them wouldn't be interested anyway (not because they don't care about WoD, not trying to imply that. They're just realistic enough to understand what they're getting into.)
Getting to the heart of the issue, though, Marius, is that none of us, the current (for now...) admin of WoD would feel comfortable handing WoD over to you, or to any group of players that would include you. The reason for this is that we believe that you're more interested in the prestige that such a position would put you in than in the shard itself. 90% of the work involved in running a shard is thankless, and we've seen no evidence that you're capable of thankless work. I'm sorry to have to say such things publicly like this, but I felt that it was necessary, though...
As I implied, though, we MAY be willing to hand WoD over to other players who would be willing to tackle the challenge. To be clear, we're going to be VERY picky. The person to whom we would be willing to pass the shard on to would need to be completely trustworthy, and one who we feel fully understands and believe in the core values of WoD. In addition to all the technical problems, such as hosting a server (not a cheap prospect), they would also need to be pretty computer literate and capable of writing POL (or at least finding another person to fill the role.) They also have to be willing to put in lots of work that will be unappreciated most of the time (and not even noticed, most of the time.) They need to be willing to try this for the long haul, not just as a 'give it a whirl for a while' thing.
If anyone thinks they fill the above description, let us know. Again, though, no promises...