It is pretty sad that to please the Zionist power in America, U.S. government officials are willing to sacrifice the lives of American boys to save Zionist/Marxist Israel.
Young men already in the U.S. armed forces and their parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters should especially be concerned about Israeli precipitated wars and attempts to involve the U.S. in these wars, because if necessary to save Israel in one of their acts of aggression, the U.S. government will bow to the American Zionists and send American boys into combat -- the boys will have no choice but to fight on the side of Zionist/Marxist Israel.
If American boys die in a future Mideast war, you will know that those responsible will be the Zionist Jews in America and the weak-spined politicians in Washington, D.C. who bow to their Zionist lords.
The Marxist Zionists who rule Israel and the Marxist Zionists in America have been trying to trick the U.S. into a Mideast war on the side of Israel. They almost succeeded when U.S. Marines were sent to Lebanon in 1982. The blood of the 250 American Marines who died in Lebanon is dripping from the hands of the Israeli and American Zionists.
If more Americans are not made aware of the truth about Zionist/Marxist Israel, you can be sure that, sooner or later, those atheists who claim to be God's Chosen People will trick the U.S. into a Mideast war against the Arabs who in the past have always been America's best friends.
What military action the Soviet bolshevik Jews and the Israeli Zionist/bolshevik Jews will take against the Arab countries only the TRIANGLE and God can know. It is likely they will strike at the Arab oil fields first.
But whatever action is taken, one thing is certain -- the LOSERS will be:
The American people.
The Arab people.
The Sephardic Jews and those Ashkenazi Jews who are for justice and freedom.
The only WINNERS will be:
The Zionist international bankers and the Zionist/bolshevik (communist/socialist) Jews.
Bassett wrote:Seriously, lock this topic up...
Drocket wrote:Well, I could lock the thread, but our anonymous troll here has already shown that they're quite willing to simply start new ones. I could also ban them from the boards by IP address, but if I did that, then our old friend Lyl wouldn't be able to post anymore because, in what I'm sure is just a freak coinicidence, the now-banned Lyl and this anonymous, trouble-making troll happen to be using the same ISP.
* First, you ignore the charges, hoping the information will not be given widespread distribution.
* If the information starts reaching too many people, you ridicule the information and the person giving the information.
* If that doesn't work, your next step is character assassination. If the author or speaker hasn't been involved in sufficient scandal, you are adept at fabricating a scandal against the person or persons.
* If none of these are effective, you are known to resort to physical attacks.
But NEVER do you try to prove the information wrong.
Bassett wrote:Hmm, why wouldn't you go post this stuff on something like Combat 18 forums.
Drocket wrote:Bassett wrote:Seriously, lock this topic up...
Well, I could lock the thread, but our anonymous troll here has already shown that they're quite willing to simply start new ones. I could also ban them from the boards by IP address, but if I did that, then our old friend Lyl wouldn't be able to post anymore because, in what I'm sure is just a freak coinicidence, the now-banned Lyl and this anonymous, trouble-making troll happen to be using the same ISP.
Anonymous wrote::?:Can anyone offer a different explanation of these easily verifiable facts:
Plans to invade Afganistan were in motion months before 9-11.
Mossad warns CIA and FBI that 200 terrorists under Osama Bin Ladin are planning a big operation in the US but can't name a single one.
Germany says the Echelon electronic spy network gave US and Israel several warnings about suicidal hijacks against US targets.
Top Pentagon officials cancel 9-11 travel plans the day before.
2 Israeli office workers near the WTC recieved detailed warnings 2 hours before the attack.
FBI hold these men as 9-11 suspects, but they are eventually deported.
US investigators find strangly conspicuous clues such as an Arabic flight manual, Koran, fuel calculator and the bags and car the hijackers conveniently left behind.
It is unlikely that the sophisticated perpatrators of 9-11 would bother using fake IDs that point blame on their own people.
In January India arrests 11 arab preachers boarding a flight on suspicion that the are hijackers. It turns out however that they were actually Israeli nationals and are eventually released.
"Ringleader" Mohammed Atta described as timid, shy, goody-two-shoes mama's boy by his German ex-roommates.
Bush claimed he thought the first impact was due to pilot incompetance. When informed about the second impact he continues to read to kids a story about a little goat.
German intelligence suggest a conspiracy, ?The planning of the attacks was technically and organizationally a master achievement?to hijack four huge airplanes within a few minutes and within one hour, to drive them into their targets, with complicated flight maneuvers,? said von Bülow in the Tagesspiegel interview. ?This is unthinkable, without years of support from state intelligence services." He also suggest brainwashing/propaganda in the US.
Boston airport security was handled by Huntleigh USA which is owned by Israeli companies. They are being sued for gross negligence.
Israeli security companies benefiting from increased demand after 9-11.
WTC engineer calls collapse of WTC unbelievable. WTC was designed to withstand airplane impact.
The history of high-rise building fires provides no case histories of buildings collapsing due to steel beams melting from a fire.
The total collapse of WTC 1, WTC 2, AND WTC 7 (which was never even hit by a plane!) were all perfectly symmetrical and methodical. The three straight down collapses were all identical in appearance to well engineered, controlled implosions.
Later Van suddenly flip flops his appraisal
Fire fighters and journalists report a bomb or explosions going off before the collapse.
Audio recordings of the last minutes of fire fighters are classified. Possibly because they had the fire under control and the fire wasn't responsible for the collapse?
According to FOX news...
The Zionists claim that they are the saviors of Israel, but this is refuted by twelve things:
FIRST -- If one contemplates the two thousand years of our exile, take any hundred years even the hardest, one will not find as much suffering, bloodshed, and catastrophes for the People of Israel in the period of the Zionists, and it is known that most of the suffering of this century was caused by the Zionists, as our Rabbis warned us would be the case.
SECOND -- It is openly stated in books written by the founders of Zionism that the means by which they planned to establish a state was by instigating anti-Semitism, and undermining the security of the Jews in all the lands of the world, until they would be forced to flee to their state. And thus they did - They intentionally infuriated the German people and fanned the flames of Nazi hatred, and they helped the Nazis, with trickery and deceit, to take whole Jewish communities off to the concentration camps, and the Zionists themselves admit this. (See the books Perfidy, Min Hameitzor, etc.). The Zionists continue to practice this strategy today. They incite anti-Semitism and then they present themselves as the "saviors". Here are two replies given by Leaders of the Zionists during World War II, when they were asked for money to help ransom Jews from the Nazis. Greenbaum said "One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Poland." (G-d forbid).
Weitzman said, "The most important part of the Jewish people is already in the land (of Israel) and those who are left, are unimportant" (May we be spared).
THIRD -- We see that most of world Jewry lives in security and under good physical conditions, and have no desire to go live in the Zionist State. Whereas many people have left the Zionist State to live under better conditions in other lands.
FOURTH -- The Zionists make a great deal of propaganda to induce people to immigrate to their state. If their state is so beneficial why do they have to make so much propaganda.
FIFTH -- Because nobody wants the Zionists to "save" them. The only way they can get immigrants is by promising poor people material benefits, and even then very few people respond.
SIXTH -- The Zionist State is always threatened by the dangers of war. Whereas the rest of world Jewry live in peace and security, (Except in a few places where the Zionists have undermined their security and fanned the flames of hatred)
SEVENTH -- The Zionist State could not continue to exist without economic support from Jews living outside of the Zionist State.
EIGHTH -- The Zionist State is on the verge of economic collapse, and their money is nearly worthless.
NINTH -- The Zionist State persecute all Jews who are loyal to their Faith.
TENTH -- They start wars that endanger the Jewish People, for the sake of their own political interests.
ELEVENTH - According to the Torah the path of safety is following ways of peace not starting fights with other nations, as the Zionists do.
TWELFTH -- Even if the Zionists could and would provide physical security it would be at the expense of our Faith and Our Torah the true People of Israel prefer death rather than life at such a cost.
It is therefore clear that Zionism is not the savior of the people of Israel. Rather it is their greatest misfortune.
Even though there are some observant Jews and rabbis, who approve of the Zionists, this is not the opinion of the Torah.
The Zionists have enough control over the American news media to make sure that only their side of the story is heard.
They make it look like all Jewry and their rabbis are Zionists, but this is false propaganda.
The most important Rabbis and the majority of religious Jewry are opposed to Zionism, but their voice is not heard because of Zionist control of American news media.
The Zionists terrorize everyone who speaks out against them.
That part of the Jewish masses which is fooled by Zionist propaganda puts pressure on their Rabbis not to speak out.
Between the terror and the pressure of the masses most of the Rabbis are prevented from speaking out.
Cecil wrote:Wow, Just started skimming down the forums and found quite a doozy of a thread here. I don't understand all the fuss, usually these types of posters just want attention, so when you ignore them they end up going away.
Cecil wrote:Also, do your admins usually encourage such flames?
Cecil wrote:I thought this was the "Board and Site Issues" forum. This is as "offtopic" as you could possibly get,
Cecil wrote:any clear-thinking admin would have just locked it with a "move along, nothing to see." Why bother having different forums if people can just post whatever they want?
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