Drocket wrote: To start with, the 'are you a lemming' (with an actual picture of a lemming) doesn't do a whole lot to enhance the author's credibility.
When I read the "are you lemming" part I thought it was very unnecessary and pandering. However the "lemming effect" itself is very real and very relevant. People tend to make decisions more to fit in with others and go with the system than actually evaluating things themselves at face value.
With the exception of Drocket, everyone else's mode of debate has been to childishly attack me. Any reasonable thinker would disregard such biased arguments that neither present or refute actual evidence. But since we are not purely reasonable, but social animals, this hostility serves to intimidate others from actually examining the evidence, and agreeing publicly that it is real.
It is this same lemming effect that enabled Nazis to torture Jews and Americans to torture Iraqis.
Are you going to use a simple lemming picture as an excuse not to read the rest? What, are you afraid you might agree with me afterward or something?
That's what I call the 'You're not cool unless you believe everything I say, now shut up and drink the Kool-Aid' theory of political debate.
Cool? If you think its cool to have people calling you a lunatic you should be debating on my side. How cool is it to accept the fact that you and your country have been fooled?
The author does not ask you to believe everything he says. The author "urges" you to verify his sources so that you can see for yourself.
If there's anyone saying shut up and drink the Kool-Aid its our government. "Shut up" is them silencing investigators and ruining careers. "Kool-Aid" is them sending us to Iraq.
The later stab at justifying Hitler's attempted genocide shows the author's true background and the reason why they chose to write this 'book'.
Yes, everyone in America thinks that Hitler is the Devil and America is an angel. That is how he has been portayed in our media since the 30's so of course that's what everyone agrees. No one should condone genocide, but at the same time I do not take the simplistic view that any one side is absolutely good and another absolutely evil. Nor do I think racism was the sole cause of WWII or the haulocast. The world is much more complicated than that.
If you base your perceptions on research of a range of sources rather than Hollywood you will learn that Zionists have been condemned by other Jews of collaborating with the Nazi's.
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/de ... s&n=507846http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/ ... 25-1775352http://www.nkusa.org/"The author's true background?" Are you going to call him anti-semitic now? There is no reason why the author himself could not be Jewish. Many of the greatest critics against Zionism are Jewish.
When they continue on to call America 'Israel's whore', well, if they had any credibility to lose at that point, that would have more than drained the rest.
Politically and economically we are as good as. Don't be blinded by your pride.
And as I already mentioned, using Google searches as footnotes pretty much makes the whole thing into a bad joke.
And as I already mentioned the footnotes refer to actual news publications and broadcasts. Did you forget the list of sources or do I have to post it again? It seems you are trying to lead us in circles.