Marius the Black wrote:There can be a ShadowStone, but not a TopKnot.
Longshadow wrote:Tamla Tamara wrote:Sasha, Liam's Regulars
I've still got that blue cloak laying around here somewhere.
What's The Captain up to these days?
Stand Tall and Be Proud!
heh. I just went back and read that story I wrote about the first captain. Those were fun times.
Longshadow wrote:That's the same name policy the WoD already has, you just covered it in legalese.
Longshadow wrote:I asked you once before to write a clear and consise naming rule. One that admins several years removed from now can read and follow.
Marius the Black wrote:
I am not a lawyer, but I understand and respect the concept of Justice over pseudo-monarchial arbitration. It is my desire to see that justice in WoD - for all -, and I refuse to accept that the concession that we must give the Admin on the account of them 'donating' their time is a basic contract into denying what is considered a very basic human right. Nor will I refuse to accept the condition that is also assumed "well, if you don't like it, leave" because it is accepted as an undeniable truth, the ultimate argument, where it is a crude, bullying tactic. -M
Marius the Black wrote:
No one asks the Admin to do what they do, that is true. But no one asks me to try and help improve something I care about. What difference is there, besides assumed power? What happens when the Admin leave, if there are none to take their place? Do we let WoD die as we cling to these strange customs where people must bend their knee to people no greater than themselves because they hold some imagined authority?
Marius the Black wrote:We, the players, have no access or understanding to what the Admin do, so none of us (as players) can be sure of just how much is going on. It could be most certainly true that WoD stands on the shoulders of a determined few, or that there are is a veritable army of souls kind enough to support this unique culture.
In any case, I believe that if we are forced to remain in the position that we are, the Admin should at least become accountable to the players for their actions. But, that is another argument.
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