by Drocket on Sun Jun 13, 2004 2:12 am
Yep, as Joram said, the Deathgate Cycle is long over, with 7 books. Is always possible that they'll add something in later (which they did with the Darksword Trilogy - 'Legacy of the Darksword' was published a few years back.)
I'm generally a fan of Weis and Hickman - whey they write together, at least. Weis's solo series, Star of the Guardians, was kind of a low-quality Star Wars clone mixed with a crappy romance novel (I liked it, but it was still bad.) Hickman's solo novel about AIDS was so preachy it was painful. Somehow, they're two bad writers that manage to be good when put together.
Another lesser-known series by them is Rose of the Prophet. It was decent, though not up to the Deathgate Cycle.
Getting slightly off-topic, I've always thought that the Deathgate Cycle would make an excellent basis for a MMORPG. Not the four-seperate-worlds part (though those may make a good expansion...), just the Labyrinth. The key thing that I think would be good is that the labyrinth is set up as a series of gates. This would make a good way to segregate players of different power levels: Once you pass through a gate, you wouldn't be able to pass back through (better yet, though, would be to have a few gates between Main Gates - you'd have access to perhaps 10 gate areas at a time before passing through a Main Gate of no return. Each Main Gate area would also have a town.) Each gate would represent a specific challenge which you would have to overcome to proceed. The magic system would also be an interesting game system, I think. Players would learn new runes as they progressed, and new uses for their old runes (as the old runes would interact with newer runes in different ways.) It would also make a logical fighter/mage system, as players could choose to learn tattoo-based runes that would give them static abilities (strength/speed/health/whatever) or go the mage route with 'temporary' spell-casting runes.