Neoma sells "Fishquiz"-bags(costs 500 gold coins) in Trinsic (x1847, 2688 in Uoam), bag contains a book with 5 question in it, you can choose from: 1 or X or 2?
What's the time?
1: 5pm
X: 5am
2: Uh, time?
Choose one of em by marking the selected anwser somehow, maybe adding * after the one you seem to think is the correct one.
What's the time?
X: 5am
What's the time?
1: 5pm
X: 5am*
2: Uh, time?
After you've done the quiz, .own the bag(remember to keep the book inside it

I'll make up a list of things you can win(guaranteed ok-good items+gold) by tomorrow, in the meanwhile you can go do the quiz

Raffle is between this weeks sunday and next weeks wednesday.
Buying more than one quiz doesn't give you any edge on the raffle.
If the vendor runs out of quizbags(i doubt there will be that many participants), come back tomorrow or something