Salutations fellow WoDrs,
I, Wyspr, am but a recent citizen of the land but have already grown to love the world and the inhabitants. I am transcribing the WoD history onto books for the new library in Nujel'm and after reading through the histories of this world and observing recent and past events, I have to wonder what is going to happen. The following came to my mind as I pondered what I have read:
"Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand. The Second Coming! "
This was written long ago by a wise man who saw with clear and awful eyes. It was not written about WoD, but it strikes home if you look at all the recent events.
I see something momentous building in our World of Dreams, great happenings and dire instances. Why is this happening? Perhaps because there is no center to concentrate our energies.
Once we had a Queen and there was order and focus even though the times were tumultous. There is no center now and Nature abhors a vacuum of any kind. Thus, we see discontent and bloody uprisings. The Prophet sees an opportunity and is going to try to seize the moment.
If the Prophet is successful then the carrion crows will feast and grow fat on the bodies of our most valiant heroes. Anguish and fear will hover like an insidious mist through the cities. The townspeople will find they have raised a bloody Tyrant who will squeeze the World of Dreams until the ichor of human life flows in an endless torrent.
I, a druid and ranger, am the last to propose anything concerning governing bodies or royalty but the lack of such could easily be the reason we see these events.
Just an idea I had...I hope it wasn't due to my sampling an unknown type of fungus that I found in the forest. I couldn't identify it so I thought I'd nibble on it and, whoa.. Pretty colors! Ahem...purely scientific inquiry, you understand. A ranger must identify and classify wherever possible!
I am more at home in the forests, crouching down to observe with wonder, the rainbow scintillation of a dewdrop suspended from an arced blade of grass, or the gradual awakening of the deep forests as stars pale, or attempting to hear the circadian rythym of life in all its forms.
So, I am not one for weighty thoughts or political machinations. I can barely learn how to work in effective concert with my dragon and I tend to forget to eat when I get enthralled with the spiral dance of butterflies! and...and...whoa, Pretty Colors!...But, I thought I would express my observations for those who do deal with such thoughts and decisions.