After numerous magics (tempered heater shield of parry and fortification, tempered longsword of power and swords and indy bow of power and archery) and a few deaths (mainly myself), we came across a note.
Xandebaric wrote:Let us make sure they don’t think we forgot about them. Xandebaric is still alive and well…and getting more powerful my the day.
After finding this we continued on and as was par for the course, I died oncemore, I wandered on as a ghost and came across this crazy spawn!
This literally continued up the whole of the eastern border and there must have literally been 150 critters there, mainly red
After splitting the loot we gave what shadowpacks we had to the guards and lived to fight another day.
Thanks to all the "Controllers" for putting on such a great quest We thoroughly enjoyed it and are grateful that one such quest was put on at a great GMT time
Xandebaric's time is coming!