Starting Gold

For questions relating to POL scripting (not necessarily related to WoD)

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Starting Gold

Postby dw3rby on Thu Jan 01, 2004 3:58 am

How do I change the amount of gold that players start with? I have tried adding goldcoin 700 100, to the starteqp.cfg file, and just about everything else that I can think of. Please help! Thank you ahead of time for helping this little newb.
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Postby SDonald on Thu Jan 01, 2004 1:33 pm

I seem to remember it being automatic - I can't remember if it's defined in the scripts or not.

But anyway, you can change the amount easily enough in the oncreate.src script.
Simply spend all their starting money and put some more in. There was something about the newbie gold that didn't mix with other money. I am sure there is a more elegant way.
eg to start with 200gp for each player:

Print ("Oops. Could not get rid of newbie gold");
CreateItemInBackpack (character, UOBJ_GOLD_COIN, 200);
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Postby dw3rby on Fri Jan 02, 2004 3:53 am

How would I delete the gold from the character? Leave it too the newb, heh.
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Postby SDonald on Fri Jan 02, 2004 1:28 pm

In my script, the line that has:
spends the starting gold of 100gp.

that script snippet was meant to be all you needed to change the starting money. Just stick it in oncreate.src somewhere.
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