I'm sure that most of you have never played it, but Arena is the granddaddy of Morrowind, and was the first in the Elder Scrolls series. Its now 10 years old, and the Betheda has it up for download for free at <a href="http://www.elderscrolls.com/index.php">their website</a>. I spent a couple of hours playing it tonight and it definitely took me back...
*queue fond memory*
It was late at night (real world, I mean) with the lights out, and I had gotten a quest to go to a cave out in the wilderness and kill a werewolf (game world, I mean ) I found the cave, which was quite dark, and was exploring it. With the exception of a couple of easily dispatched rats near the entrance, though, the cave seemed to be empty. I kept hearing strange noises, though, so I continued to investigate. I spent quite a while searching through a dark cave, trying to track down those weird noises. Then I heard a noise that was louder and closer. I turned around and the werewolf was RIGHT THERE. It immediately attacked, and I screamed. Not a polite 'Eep!' either. A nice high-pitched girly scream. After I recoved from my heart attack, I had to reload the game.
*/fond memory*
The graphics are pretty pathetically low resolution, and the interface is pretty bad. Still, it has some pretty impressive lighting effects and an impressively large gameworld. Its amazing what they packed into 23M (an 8M download.)