Celeste wrote:I have noticed a significant drop in the "clique" count on the shard as of late
First of all, because 'clique' is used as a noun, I have provided this definition for the sake of clarity, and for those who aren't sure what the word means.
Clique (klk, klk) n. A small exclusive group of friends or associates.
However, I am most certain you are looking to use it in this way, (as a terse verb)
\Clique\, v. i. To To associate together in a clannish way; to act with others secretly to gain a desired end; to plot; -- used with together.
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.
I have been rather apprehensive on approaching this subject, due to the volatile nature of the forums as of late. However I cannot, in good conscience, remain silent on the matter. If you would allow it, I would present my thoughts on the matter, then encourage you to do the same, so we might have an end to this business about 'cliques'.
I cannot say for certainty whether these 'cliques' exist, for I do not play twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week from since the shard's conception to it's death. I cannot say that I have interviewed, intimately, every single person both active and retired, and discovered what motive existed for their choice of social structure, what laws they held in place to maintain that cohesion and nor can I say that I understand the human mind in any intimacy.
What I can say is, that I can make broad, sweeping strokes and vague generalisations about the shard, from which I can make conclusions, based on observation and experience. This too, I would veture, is where your point of view comes from, as least as far as it appears. And that, for the sake of argument, is the best we can do, but I, nor you, nor anyone else has the right to understanding the WoD nature insofar as we do the 'real' society or societies in which we live.
I will allow, that yes, there are social groups in WoD. Because in any society, these exist. Whether family, friendship-based, occupationally-based (workmates), romantic or otherwise, people will band together for a multitude of reasons, based on their interactions at the time, the nature of how they're feeling and their general personality and disposition attributes. One cannot argue that everyone bands together with totally selfish or noble motives, but rather, a delicate combination thereof. To generalise and simplify, most people find comfort and enjoyment with good friends and a positive social atmosphere on varying levels of intimacy.
To take it to a deeper level, I find that when I first came to WoD, I could say that I might be persuaded otherwise by your arguments. Yes, it does appear that cliques exist. But therein the similarity ends. What has been - and poorly so, in my opinion - labelled as 'cliques' are rather 'friendship' groups, based on people who have met prior in time to the present, and have formed a relationship.
In this, we might look at a real-life example: Imagine a party. I speak of a general gathering of friends. Imagine then, that there are a group of people who have lived in the area for their lifetimes, and have become close. Imagine too that there are the new neighbours, only recently there (perhaps why the party is being held: hypothetically, of course), and then there are the friends of friends, and the parents or relatives of anyone assembled, or their partners, and such.
Are these people each in their 'cliques'? Would we classify them as 'newbies' and 'oldbies'? Would these new arrivals feel vindicated and ostracised because of their relative lack of experience?
One would hope not.
What I find most upsetting is the desire to label and classify people into various social groups. It is a personality trait that finds us, as humans, looking for patterns so we might understand. I would imagine that most can recall (or relate) this to their high school experience: There are the Cool Guys, the Nerds, the Losers and so on. What we find, after moving from our broad generalisations of these social groups is that these people are not 'cliques' but rather associated through common interest, friendship or even fate. While I am most certain at one point, some band together for a common cause, I am highly doubtful that most people who have genuine and treasured friends "decided" to be their friend - it was simply fate. I am also most certain that it is not the intention of the large majority of WoDians to form cliques for no other reason than to remain socially exclusive and distanced from the whole of the shard.
From this point, I would especially say that this would be easily defined as a sort of -ism in our society: sexism or racism, perhaps. Especially in this age of globalisation and multicultural societies, I would say that this kind of behaviour would not be tolerated by the informed public, especially anyone who considered themselves not an ignorant person.
But because we find that groups exist, and we cannot find a way to enter or join them, many of us might feel that we're being restricted in some way. I speak from experience when I say that when I arrived, I felt certainly that there was an 'oldbie'/'newbie' line, but now that I see that it is not as stark as it seems. In the WoDian society, there are always going to be strangers and new arrivals, just as there are in any social environment. We cannot claim to form intimate social relationships with these people upon their arrival, for that is shallow and insincere. What we must do, is grow with these people, and learn from them, and come in time to find our friends. Whether they have more experience, more 'fame' or anything else 'more' than us is merely seniority; though just as we are jealous of successful people in life, so too are we virtually jelaous of virtually successful people.
To clarify, there is a line between strangers and people who have been together for a length of time. But to classify these as 'newbies' and 'oldbies' really is ignorant and rude, just as labelling people by their skin type, or heritage and sexual orientation - each of which I need not repeat here.
To say again, labelling people as oldbies and newbies is derogatory, as is the labelling of cliques. This type of 'classification' stems from an attempt to put people into contextual groups for the sake of argument, and I am fiercely opposed to this matter.
However, the most important point of this argument is to reinforce the idea that cliques do not exist on WoD as a whole, as a generalisation that as an opinion, might be considered 'true'. It is not, however, true, and nor is it entirely an educated statement. It is also of the utmost importance to have the word 'cliques' not used as a derogatory statement, because for better or for worse, people may choose to do this.
It is unfair, I believe, to use this as a catch-all to describe different friendship groups. I will not deny that cliques do not exist at all, because I am certain that people band together for a common purpose, and I would be certain that the Order Guards would most likely typify this in a most positive way. I have the utmost respect for the Order Guards, and I cannot find any problem with them acting as a 'clique', for any objective-oriented organisation or group will behave thusly. Microsoft is a clique. The Australian Police Force is a clique. The Armed Forces of any nation is a clique. And so on.
Celeste, I urge you to come forward with your definition of what a clique is, where and how you see them existing in WoD, whom they are comprised of, and what social behaviour you find dissatisfying with them, with examples. It is certainly one thing to throw around definitions in a contexually-based arena like the forums, and I believe it is another to stand up and explain them.
If you would have it, I would debate you on this matter, so once and for all the issue of 'cliques' is resolved, and the positive social and intellectual environment of WoD can continue to grow as it always have, and less-informed, blaise and rather ignorant remarks based on uninformed generalisations (to which I do not attribute you to at all) can fall by the wayside. I look forward to your rebuttal, for long have you been a strong supporter of the "cliques" argument theory, and I would love to have you voice your matter on the issue, so we might resolve it in full.
- Marius the Black
Member of the WoD Society