by Bayn on Mon Apr 19, 2004 1:45 am
Everyone has different ideas of what the "best" fighter might be. Don't get locked into whether or not your fighter is a 'pure' fighter or a hybrid of some type. Just focus on how you are going to use the character.
If you are going to be a pure 'tank' type and will hunt with others or be willing to travel on foot (or mounted) everywhere you go, you don't need magery. Dropping magery will allow you to spec a more important fighter skill such as anatomy.
But, if you want a flexible fighter who can cast gate and other useful mage spells, by all means, spec magery.
Bayn has this:
Mace, Resist, Tactics as primes
Healing, Parry, and Magery as secondaries
You might get a few more critical strikes if you spec Anatomy but maybe not and magery is rather nice to have. With the complement of magic casting MOBs we have, Resist seems to be extraordinarily important.