PG-13 means no nekid boobs, sorry boys.
Other than that, I liked the graphics mostly. That green dragon with the big nose and clearly Chinese style just doesn't fit though.
The chinese style dragon isn't that colour by default. It's not supposed to be anyway. It's a golden kinda colour by default. Fitz must have coloured it, or it shows up wrong.
i colored it :> i used drockets ranodm color generator.
most of them graphics are from lbr and aos ! you do not have to use the snake thingy with the boobs!
since mine is a test shard i do
heres some other things i have done on pol96,as you can see i merged wods verdatum with mine to test some things.
i also added the city i made a long time ago when i ran a sphere shard ,yuk sits above shame with a nice mining area but is spawned with vampires and undead :>.
o yes i got the house tool to work in pol96 but the houses you see i made my self using gm commands/hand of dundee
i have around 50 custom houses i made .
also i redid the whole world removing most satatics from static houses like tables chairs etc.