1.)rugged katana of power and swordsmanship(somewhat worn/perfect condition)
min bid. 20k, ends 48hours of last bid.
2.)tempered smith's hammer of destruction(relatively new/perfect condition)
min bid. 50k, ends 48hours of last bid.
3.)rugged silver short spear of destruction and cursing(28charges, brand new/perfect condition)
min bid. XXXk/negotiate, ends if i get a decent slice of the yellow stuff.
4.)durable heavy crossbow of power and draining(23 charges, somewhat worn/perfect condition)
min bid. 30k, ends 48hours of last bid.
.own a bag and stick the money in it, then drop the bag in my mailbox..which is located in Vesper, south of graveyard, nice little inn, front yard. I will then return the item in the owned bag via lost&found.