Lyl wrote:Isn't there still a shrine of Compassion? The duty of a Virtue Guard order is to uphold the virtues.
From the M-W Dictionary : Compassion : sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it
Lets take a look at this definition as it applies to this situation. A poor fisherman is injured performing his duties and can no longer perform his desired trade, Good RP. Claiming to be RPing a beggar, unacceptable behavior. When falling back on this weak defense of "roleplaying" a beggar, it detracts from those out there that are truly trying to define their "role" and flesh out the character they "play". There is no place here for beggars, you can live out your online life without money or food. Simply log in and sit around and talk and interact with all the other "people". As the only pain and suffering here is in the mind of the player, there is no feeling of sympathy for or any need to alleviate the "distress" of this person. Had they simply said "I am a poor fisherman down on my luck" and continued to tell a story, I would have interacted in a very different manner and the whole situation would have gone differently. But alas, they didn't and neither did I. There is no sympathy for someone that sits in the bank harassing others and causing a public nuisance of themselves. In the future, instead of speaking to them in the derogatory manner that is called for in this situation, I will endeavor to do the right thing and report an incident of Harassment to the GMs, who can then deal with the situation. I chose to not involve the GMs and deal with it.
I wasn't at the bank to witness what happened, but just from Garrett's posts it sounds like he is acting in bad form for a Virtue Guard.
If you weren't there, why are you chiming in with your 2 cents? It is my actions that are being discussed here, not my posts. Bad form for a VG is nothing more than a weak way of saying you don't agree with my actions.
If I was in the Order Guard, I would consider expressing my disapproval by censuring Garrett.
If you were in the Order Guards you could speak your opinion of me, but as you aren't, kindly keep your opinions on how an Order Guard should act to yourself. If you wish to enact change within the Order Guards, strive to join and change from within instead of making comments from an outsiders viewpoint. You are not an Order Guard, do not presume to tell the Order Guards how to handle their own business.
(actually he sounds to me like a big jerk using his "wit" to take out his frustrations on random people, but really I don't have anything to do with it).
Maybe I am a big jerk, and maybe you just feel the need to add your opinions on something you know nothing about. You don't have anything to do with it, so please refrain from adding your useless comments.
Alexander wrote:What makes you think that he complained to me?
because you are doing an awful lot of speaking for this midden heap that is calling himself an RPer. Either he spoke to you and you took up his cause, or it was you that was him, in whichever case it may be, using RP as an excuse to be an inconsiderate annoyance is nothing short of destructive to the true Roleplayers of our world. Take an example of a new player coming to our world. He wanders into the bank, newly arrived to our shores from the strife he has fled. He enters, sees a "beggar" and sees people giving handouts to this "poor, unfortunate" soul. He now believes that this is acceptable behaviour. He then goes on to beg his own way into the list of people that are really annoying because he thought it was "OK" to take that action. Well, this beggar has just singlehandedly taken the level of community down to a despicably low level.