by Smiderini on Thu Oct 23, 2003 3:24 am
Hey WODers! Long time no see (again).
My pooter had a sroke a while back, then an anyeurism (sp?) and frickin passed on. Do any of you out there know what that's like? An addict with no junk. *SAD* It was quite a while before I could do anything about it (adding wound to injury).
I wanted to get to SWG real bad. I've been following its progress almost since conception.
It came out while I was fruitless, but all the reviews said it fell way short of expectations and was clearly not ready for market, and beta player reviews all said "wasted my time- don't waste yours!" just like Seon above, so I kinda passed on it, and favored watching the progress of City of Heroes.
A little time went by and I asked around some more, particularly at the game store (PS2 scratched the itch a bit). Guys that work at game stores are hardcore gamers- ya think? They said "try it you'll like it", especially now that there's stuff to actually do, like Greywolfe replied to Seon.
Then I got a replacement computer finally (*hopes the security cams were looking elsewhere, still cowering when the doorbell rings*) but I couldn't spend $65 for a game just yet. Then along comes a sale at the Wally Mall, I figured hey I can do without lunch for a couple weeks. By the way, Edgewood Dirk, I got it for $44, and it's $15 a month not $30. It's unfinished, yes, but UO was too when it came out, so no biggie, and the progress they're making is much better than UO was.
My first impression: swg kix huge ace. You thought Morrowind was pretty? HA
I've had a hard time getting to know people though. I've just been running around checking out stuff and click click clickety by myself- I got spoiled rotten in WOD I guess. People are nice and helpful. I've yet to pay for training in a skill or language.
I was very happy to see your post, Greywolfe, and happier that you're on eclipse where I have my best character. A Zabrak scout named Spazz Thimollope will soon be sending gamemail your way begging for companionship.
Y'all get this game, log onto eclipse, and maybe we can make a PA and call it "Galaxy of Dreams" or something. There aren't enough fuzzy bunnies running around, which takes a little getting used to, but Stormtroopers sure get delightfully cranky when you blast 'em. And no one cares if you glock the Gungans either. heh. If I can skip a few meals to pay for it so can you, and it's worth it.