Be kind. This is my first...ever! I mean not even in RL... well, except in school. But we won't be discussing that. Anyways, please don't think this is going to be GREAT or anything..
It took a lot for me to post this. Very nervous. I fully expect to hear from our english teachers and hardcore writers out there is Brit. I am sure they will have something to say about this... *smirk*
This actually was supposed to be posted yesterday morning but I am so, you get it today instead.
I stood on my tower rooftop after a long, restless night trying to collect my thoughts for the upcoming day. It was earlier than I usually wake and this was causing some concentration problems. The crisp morning air was helping slightly. As I stood gazing off to the North, my attention was drawn to a soft white glow in the northeastern sky. As I pondered the glow for a few moments, my concentration was broken by the sound of footsteps. As I turned toward the noise, I found my brother wearily making his way up the stone stairs.
"Good morning youngster! It is a fine morning, is it not?"
"Morning Macitor", he said in a weary voice. "My head feels like a titan hammered on it."
"Your boozing has gotten to you again, has it?"
He raised his hand in a feeble attempt to stop my words from coming. "Why is it that you always conclude that? You never give me the benefit of the doubt."
"Because Guavir, with you there is never any doubt about it." I said sternly.
"For your information, big brother, I was not out drinking last night. If you had listened to my call for help, you would know that!"
I looked at him and felt myself wrinkle my forehead in confusion. My thoughts flashed back to the night before. I did not remember any cries from him… What was I doing? Why did I not hear my brother’s call? As my mind raced, I suddenly realized ... the druid's spell book! My face changed from confusion to realization. I walked over and put a hand on his shoulder. "Brother, I am very, very sorry. I was reading ... "
"Yeah, you were studying that damn book again, weren't you? Why is it that you are so obsessed with that book? It's like it has some kind of hold on you or something! Brother, it pains me to see you like this. Our brother Mandruu has the gift of the casters language, not you .. not me. We all have our own gifts. Yours is the gift of mace fighting. Mine, swordsmanship. I am afraid you will hurt an innocent citizen, yourself or one of us if you do not control your urges. You need to stick to what you know, brother, not what you don't."
I turned away from Guavir. Not because I was mad, but because he was right. "I know brother. I know." I knew in my heart that we both have our vices. His was one of the drink and mine was the caster's language. This book... it just seemed to have some kind of hold on me.
Not quite 14 days had passed since I once again resumed studying the spell book and trying to learn the caster language. An old druid had given it to me just before he died. He had given Mandruu a spell book and his staff because he some how knew the boy would learn to control it's power. The old man's wish was for us to keep these items safe and use them wisely for he knew that, in the wrong hands these items could mean death for many ... man, beast and nature alike.
"Brother," he continued, "this time it may have hurt or even killed someone."
"Yes, this time it may have."
Both Guavir and I whirled around to find Mandruu standing at the top of the stairs.
"Mandruu!" we said in unison.
"Good morning brothers" he replied. "I heard your call for help last night, Guavir."
"Macitor ... last night ..." Guavir started to say "Bronwyn was in Covetous last night and was in very serious trouble."
I looked Guavir straight in the eyes and said "Bronwyn?! No?! What sort of trouble??!! Did you help her?? Is she alright?"
"No. I .."