Hail and well met, fellow WoDrs!
I am Bayn's brother, Wyspr. Today, the wonderful Lyl gave to me a wondrous shirt of taming and a cap of lore. I was worried about the lag and my lack of experience so I declined the generous offer to go adventuring.
However, as I returned to a city in an attempt to bolster my meager intelligence, I was seized with an irrepressible desire to take my Great dragon out for our first walk together.
My friend is a deep red purple color so I named him Whine and he didn't appear to be offended. *whew* He even laughed in a draconic sort of way at my name pun. He was very hungry the moment we exited the stables so I quickly fed him a couple haunches of meat I had in my pack and we traipsed into the wilderness.
I keep saying "he" but I actually don't know if Whine is a he or a she, I didn't check under the tail. I think I'll wait on that.
We encountered a few stray baddies and Whine devoured them handily, leaving the loot for me to pick up. Then, we encountered three different creatures and Whine got confused. He was guarding me but an orc mage was casting bolts at us from a distance while an archer was flinging orc bolts at us from one side and a lizard warrior tromped up to whomp my upside the head. Ow! I'm not Bayn, I bruise easily.
I asked Whine to kill the mage and he looked at the lizard warrior, then looked at the archer, then the mage and then at me. He was SO confused.
I reduced the lizard with a couple ebolts and led Whine to the mage. Then he got the idea and bit its head off. Good boy! Then I had to lead him over to the archer who was subjected to major dragon halitosis. Of course, I had to heal myself a couple of times during all of this.
We had a few more encounters but they all more or less resembled the last one. Whine confuses easily.
Before, I had these wild dreams that I'd traipse merrily through the forests behind my Dragon, picking up mounds of smoking loot. *laughs* Guess I was mistaken.
Whine doesn't appear to understand what "kill" means. Hmmm. It must be my fault though because he is the best, strongest dragon in the World!
I did just freeze up a couple times and faded from the World and after the second time, we headed back to town. I had come back to life nearly dead the last time and that was a bit too scary for me.
Whine had done the best he could, I must be at fault somehow. Perhaps I should modify my commands to him to "stop" whatever he is doing first and then issue a new command?
I also experimented with magery. I am so used to just wading in there with heal potions, bandages and a swinging mace (or at least Bayn is!) that it is difficult to adopt a more careful, refined attitude towards battle. While Whine was taking care of one foe, another was pounding me into mush...hmmm, I need to learn some different tactics obviously.
This will take time...