Celeste Kendreyl wrote:Ok... now, I honestly didn't think that I had upset anyone by stating that there were cliques on the shard, but I obviously did, for which I AM sorry...
Apology accepted. Your 'tone' in those posts was insulting to some who reacted to it.
Unfortunately, even though as of late things have gotten MUCH better in this department, this still seems to permeate some people's thoughts on "quest" type issues.
... like I said earlier, I've seen a LOT more teamwork with these events and things over the past several weeks- so it is improving.
I don't think anything has changed except perhaps your own attitude and perception. Depending on ones viewpoint, mood or whatever, it is easy to overlook or mistake actions or non-actions to be something entirely different. Maybe you are feeling more a "part" of WoD now and the divisions you thought you saw so clearly before are fading?
I heard there was a big quest/invasion thing going on in Britain last night but I heard nothing from anyone at the time when I was in my Kayn persona, doing vendor and guard quests. Not a problem though, getting Kayn strong enough to wear chain and wield a shield have been my focus the last couple of days.
I also didn't read anything in the Quest forum about it this morning. When people don't bother to take the time to post of their activities or events they were involved in, it is difficult to know that anything happens on the shard.