David Dalamar and Velorn Darkraven were poking fun at a couple of Black Wisps in Hythloth when the call came from Azalin Darkfire - Orcs were gathering at the Snow Orc Fort. Off they went to see this possible invading force. The entrance of Ice had more ice monsters than normal but when they arrived at the Fort, bodies lay strewn all over the place and the place was still packed with Orcs! Zanzabar was happily throwing bombs around the place from his brand new keg. They quickly cleared out the heavily populated fort and went back to Ice in search of the leader. As a dozen monsters descended on them West of the entrance, a second wave arrived at the Fort and steadily streamed out into Ice. Bombs flew from every direction (mostly but not all from Zanzabar), Dalamar laughed maniacally from the bloodlust and dozens upon dozens of Orcs fell to their swords as they surrounded Darkraven and Darkfire. By the time it was over, their heads were near the ceiling from standing on the bodies.
The four pressed on thru Ice to be joined by Illadir Salsas, Kala and Velamin. An Ice Fiend was cowering in the West corner but was soon put out of his misery. A note was found: Soon the world will be in a deep freeze... The Ancient Snowmaster.
A good quest. No uber items - just pure killing fun!