Everything from Ophidians to Party Crashers; Bank Robbers to a WoD Birthday Party.
Yesterday began with a hunt my brother Aellius organized to gather raw regs for Druid Bags and Staves. They went to Despise, Destard, Deceit, Shame and Buccaneer's Den before returning to Britain. Unfortunately, no young Druids accompanied the mini-quest; fortunately, casualties were very light.
When I arrived at the Bank to make some magic jewelry, the place had a nice friendly buzz going. Skeeter Byrch and Timothy, along with Harmony Wolfsong, had organized the March WoD Birthday Party for Wolfsong's Tavern for last evening, and the folks of the Realm were busy making plans to attend.
I recalled over to Ye Olde Magick Shoppe to drop off my completed jewelry and when I returned, I was given the horrifying news: the Ophidians, awakened from their long slumber, were laying siege to Cove. They had been growing more and more restless lately, to the point of even showing up in Britain itself. Now they had attacked one of my favorite spots in all the Lands: Cove, the outpost that had withstood Orcs, Dragons, Leprechauns and many others over the years.
I quickly buffed and gated over with some other heroes of the Land and found the tiny town had been overrun by the disgusting Snakes. We immediately joined in the fray and began dispensing Justice, WoD style. Not only had the arrogant, mouthy Ophids attacked Cove, they had done it at the same time as a party was going on, and it made me mad! (After all, my birthday was being celebrated this time as well).
We drove them and the Orcs back out of the Outpost deep into the woods surrounding Cove, a lethal force of magic and might, mages and warriors. E-bolts, lightning, fire and healing spells combined with maces, swords, arrows and poison to quickly rout the force that had attacked Cove.
We then followed them to Cove Orc Fort. There were more of the slimy, scaly, scum-suckers than I had ever seen, even in their putrid home of Destard. They virtually barred the entrance to the Fort, but we would not be deterred. We attacked with vengeance and righteous might, and slaughtered every last one of them (and the stupid Orcs for allowing them to be there). The battle won, we surveyed the carnage. Many, many Ophidians had fallen, and our casualties were very, very light. When will the scale-heads learn that they cannot defeat the combined forces of the Lands?
We returned to Britain Bank to split the bounty and then a large group headed over to Wolfsong's Tavern. The party was a huge success as we drank and ate to our heart's content. Melody has done an excellent job every time she hosts a party at her place, and this was no exception. Skeeter Byrch and Timothy, our new birthday party organizers, did an outstanding job once again.
After we had swapped stories and frankly got stuffed on pizzas, onion rings and mead, we saw a "guard" outside, trying to get in. The "guard," however, was not one of Britain's finest--it was a Party Crasher. It was soon joined by another and then another. We quickly found ourselves surrounded by many Party Crashers, dressed in the tell-tale silver armor of Britains' guards. Once again, we rose to the challenge and defeated this aggressor, as we have so many others. They were put down with minimal effort, and we didn't even spill our drinks.

I returned home to rest and recover, but this morning Toten told me that there was even more excitement at the Bank later last evening. I'll let him share that tale with you himself.
*hands quill to Toten*
*takes quill from Covenant*
*Toten Atei*
Thanks Cove. I went to the Bank to make some blank scrolls for Aellius. I hadn't been there long when I spotted a Bank Robber out front. This would-be thief was dressed as a pirate and had some friends with him. The small contingent of heroes in the Bank soon found themselves outnumbered by the Bank Robbers, but no worries: they were weak and disorganized. They especially didn't like the taste of the deadly poison on my war hammer of destruction.

They were quickly defeated and the Bank is safe, once again. No heroes fell, but the Bank Robbers found the price you pay for attacking Britain to be steep indeed.
Boone, you can thank me personally by adding a zero or two at the end of my bank balance.

Thanks, once again, to the Seers for making yesterday so enjoyable. I cannot remember the last time that I have had this much fun, and I know I am not alone in that sentiment. You outdid yourselves yesterday, and it was very much appreciated.

I wasn't kidding about the extra zeroes, however....